The Chin Family of New York and Baltimore, MD

The Chin Family


New York & Baltimore

      I.    Wing Ark Chin  was born in China  and died in New  York City. 
      He married Lon  Thom who was born  and died in New  York City. They 
      had issue :
            1.   Edmund  Chin, born  in  New York  City  on November  27, 
      1931. Edmund married  Jaylene Young, who was born  in Brooklyn, New 
      York July 30,  1935, the daughter of Helen Woo,  born (December 23, 
      1908) in  New York City,  and Jacob Young  who was born  August 12, 
      1900 in Honolulu, Hawaii. They had issue:
                 A.   Michael Chin, born  June 25, 1956 in  Flushing, New 
      York. Michael married  Dolly Watson Carr, born October  5, 1949, in 
      Suffolk, Virginia, daughter  of Charles Brosia Carr  (born March 4, 
      1926 of Windsor,  Virginia, and Dolly Bell Watson  (born January 7, 
      1931) of Suffolk, Virginia. Michael  and Dolly are presently (1991) 
      living in Baltimore, Maryland. They had issue:
                      (1) Sarah  Wingfield Chin, born Ascension  Day, May 
      9, 1991, in  Baltimore, Maryland. Baptized at the  Cathedral of the 
      Incarnation, Baltimore, Maryland on Sunday,  August 25, 1991 by her 
      great-uncle, The  Rev. Shelley B. Joel  Watson. The Dean,  The Very 
      Rev. Vann Gardner celebrated the Eucharist and assisted.
                 B.   Steven Chin, born Flushing, N.Y., July 4, 1957, m. 
                      Fiona Sim, born in Scotland, the daughter of Mary  
                      _____ and _____ Sim. 
                 C.   Deborah Chin, born Flushing, N. Y., August 6, 1958.
                 D.   Andrea Chin, born Flushing, N.Y., February 23,     
                 E.   Kevin Chin, born Flushing, N. Y., May 2, 1962.
            2.   Kaimon Chin, married Lolly Lee and had issue:
                 A.   Daryl Chin, born November 2, 1953, twin to Gail.
                 B.   Gail Chin, born November 22, 1953, twin to Daryl.
                 C.   Andrew Chin


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