Captain George Stone Family of Boscawen, New Hampshire and Santa Rosa, California

The Family Of Capt. George Stone


Boscawen, New Hampshire & Santa Rosa, California

                             THE STONE FAMILY RECORD
       [The following is based on the  notes compiled by Alfred Little of 
       Boscawen, New  Hampshire sometime  before 1883,  for a  History of 
       Boscawen  and  Webster.  They  were  later  used  with  additional 
       information and arranged by Nyna Emma  Sargent Hambly in and about 
       the years 1942-1944. She then had  it printed in booklet form. Her 
       son, Harry  B. Hambly,  Jr., and  her grand-daughter  Margaret Ann 
       Cunningham Lucchesi added to this  with additional information and 
       published  it in  booklet  form in  October of  1977.  Nyna E.  S. 
       Hambly's  great-grand-daughter  Margaret   Hambly  and  Margaret's 
       husband,  Shelley Burch  Joel Watson  again added  to the  booklet 
       with additional information they gathered from 1981-1990.]
       CAPTAIN  GEORGE STONE,  was born  at  Lexington, Massachusetts  on 
       March 21, 1760  [The 1880 Census of Sonoma  County California also 
       says that Peter Stone's father  George was born in Massachusetts]. 
       He died  at West Boscawen, New  Hampshire on December 8,  1834. He 
       was a soldier of the American  Revolution, enlisting at the age of 
       15. He served for five years,  participating in the the battles of 
       Brandywine, Stillwater  and other  engagements. Her  witnesses the 
       surrender of  Burgoyne, endured the  sufferings and  privations of 
       the  winter encampment  at Valley  Forge  and was  wounded at  the 
       Battle  of  Monmouth.  On  the  return  of  peace  he  settled  in 
       Boscawen,  New Hampshire.  The depreciation  of Continental  money 
       left him  so poor that  he had only 20  cents with which  to begin 
       his new  life. By  industry he  was soon  able to  purchase twenty 
       acres upon  which he began to  farm and with time  acquired enough 
       land  to give  each  of his  eight children  a  homestead. In  the 
       Records of  the town  of Boscawen,  there is  listed the  birth of 
       "Liberty,"  son of  Charles  and Nancy  Stone,  born February  13, 
       1805." It  is interesting  that Peter Stone,  son of  Capt. George 
       named his first son "Charles." It would  be a good guess that this 
       is  a brother  of Capt.  George  Stone. The  name "Liberty  Stone" 
       should  not be  too hard  to find,  and thereby  find his  father, 
       grandfather, and hence  the one who might be the  father of George 
       Stone. The name "Royal" is  also interesting for future reference. 
       Our Captain George Stone  has a son "Royal Stone." In  a search we 
       do  find the  name  "Royal Stone"  used  several  times. The  most 
       interesting is  that of Royal Stone,  born 1787, the  "eldest son" 
       of Silas Stone of Dublin, New  Hampshire. This Silas was born 1755 
       to Silas  and his wife Elizabeth  Russell (born 1730,  daughter of 
       Jonathan  and Mary  Russell), whom  he  married in  1749. What  is 
       interesting is the listing of their children:
            Silas Stone, born July 14, 1750, died 1754;
            Amos Stone, born 1751;
            Elizabeth Stone, [probably named for her mother], 
            Silas Stone, [second son of that name] born 1755, and father 
                 of Royal Stone, born 1787;
            Jeduthan Stone, born 1757; died 1759;
            Ebenezer Stone, born January 26, 1759
            John Stone, born June 30, 1761;
            Judith Stone, born 1763.
       From this  chronological list  of children,  one could  easily see 
       the addition of  George Stone, born March 21, 1760!  The names are 
       also  interesting, for  Peter Stone  uses the  names Silas,  Amos, 
       Royal. Only  for the sake of  future research, the  lineage begins 
       with  Deacon Gregory  Stone, Elder  John  Stone, Nathaniel  Stone, 
       Ebenezer Stone, Silas  Stone who married Elizabeth  Russell, Silas 
       Stone, Royal Stone. It is also  possible that they are not related 
       to  our  Capt.  George  at all.  Nevertheless,  there  is  a  most 
       wonderful letter from another native  of Boscawen, Daniel Webster, 
       to his  brother Ezekiel Webster,  which mentions George  Stone and 
       which can be found in his published letters. It reads as follows:
           TO EZEKIEL WEBSTER              
           Dr E
            I  wrote  you  last  Eve'n   abt.  Capt  [George]  Stones 
           business-- I will see it  attended to, the earliest moment 
           I can leave the Senate.
            A  prodigious excitement  has been  produced  by the  new 
           Cabinet  List.  It  has  set all  Washington  in  a  buz-- 
           friends rage  & foes laugh. Nobody  will say he  was privy 
           to it-- nobody justifies it. The  clamor, (for that is not 
           too strong a  name) became so loud, that we  hear today of 
           a  change, that  is,  that Mr,  [John]  McLean,  is to  be 
           Secretary of War,  instead of Major [John  H.] Eaton. This 
           will in some  matter alleviate the discontents;  but still 
           I think  they are  deep, &  likely to  be permanent.  This 
           very first  step of Genl.  Jackson presents him  his first 
           difficulty;  &  every  other  step  will  repeat  it.  His 
           friends have no common principle--  they are held together 
           by no  common tie-- &  my private opinion  is , tho'  I do 
           not wish to be quoted for  that, at present, is that Genl. 
           J. had  not character  enough to  conduct his  measures by 
           his own  strength. Somebody must &  will lead him.  Who it 
           will be, I cannot say-- but I have an opinion.
            I will  write you  again soon.  I think  I see  unsettled 
           times before us. Let me  know what prospects your election 
           wears. Take care of it you will can. Yrs D.W.
       Capt. George Stone had written  Daniel Webster on February 21, 
       1829 [mDW  7776 in the  letters of Webster].  Webster reported 
       that he had been by the  Secretary of War's Porter's office on 
       several occasions on  behalf of his "old friend  & client Capt 
       Captain George  Stone married twice,  first to Hannah  Lovering of 
       Kingston, New  Hampshire about the year  1788. Hannah died  at the 
       age  of 65  on December  27, 1826.  [I  have found  little on  the 
       Loverings, but  Daniel Loverain married  secondly a Mary  Smith in 
       Exeter,  New Hampshire  and they  had a  daughter Hannah  Loverain 
       born March 31, 1738-39. Of course she  is too young, but the names 
       and place make the families most  likely related. Further study is 
       needed]. In 1830, Captain George  Stone married secondly, Abigail, 
       the daughter of  Samuel Currier and Ruth Bailey.  Abigail was born 
       in Canterbury, New Hampshire on November  25, 1783 and died at the 
       age of 66 on  April 18, 1849. This marriage is  not only listed in 
       the Stone family notes  but also in the two volume  history of the 
       Currier Family.  A son  of George and  Hannah, Royal  Stone, would 
       marry Ruth Currier, the daughter of  Humphrey Currier and his wife 
       Sally Ladd.  Humphrey was a brother  of Capt. George  Stone's wife 
       Abigail Currier. Captain George Stone had the following children:
       Children by Hannah Lovering:
            I.   Sarah  Stone, born  December 28,  1789; died  January 9, 
            1858;  she married  Moses, son  of  Moses and  Sarah Call  of 
            Salisbury, New Hampshire in 1829.  Moses was born January 21, 
            1782 and died May 1, 1848.
            II.   John  Stone, born February  28, 1792, died  January 25, 
            1870. He  married Submit,  daughter of  Benjamin Sweatt,  Jr. 
            and his wife Sarah of West  Boscawen, New Hampshire. John and 
            Submit lived on  Battle Street in Webster,  New Hampshire. He 
            was drafted  in 1814 and  served for three  months, stationed 
            at  Portsmouth,  New  Hampshire.  Benjamin  was  the  son  of 
            Benjamin Sweatt. Submit  Sweatt was born June  16, 1795. John 
            Stone was drafted in 1814 for  three months and was stationed 
            in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He and  his wife Submit had two 
                 A.   Benjamin  Stone, born  June 16,  1815. He  lived on 
                 Battle  Street in  Webster,  New  Hampshire. He  married 
                 Frances  C., daughter  of Z.G.  Whitman,  Esq., of  West 
                 Boscawen, New Hampshire on July 28, 1840.
                 B.   Hiram G. Stone, born May  24, 1822, lived on Battle 
                 Street in  Webster, New Hampshire.  He was  a successful 
                 writer, farmer  and orchardist. He married  twice. First 
                 to  Mary Ann  C. Ticknor  of Lebanon,  New Hampshire  on 
                 January 26,  1847. Mary Ann  died on November  10, 1856. 
                 Hiram then married Lucinda Lane  of Epsom, New Hampshire 
                 on December 5, 1857. Children by Mary Ann were:
                      1.   Melvin T. Stone, born July 28, 1854
                      2.   Mary  Ann T. Stone,  born August 18,  1856 and 
                      died September 21, 1870.
                 By Lucinda, Hiram had issue:
                      3.   Ina  Mabel Stone, born  September 29,  1868 in 
                      Webster,  Hampshire. She  married  on September  7, 
                      1892 Joseph Smith  Morrill, the son of  Smith Laban 
                      Morrill  and  Mary  Jane  Huckins  of  Loudon,  New 
                      Hampshire. Joseph was born on April 22, 1869.
            III.    Amos Stone,  born  June 20,  1794,  died February  5, 
            1875. Amos  Stone married  on December 31,  1818 to  Nancy A. 
            Couch, the daughter  of Nathaniel Heath Couch  (born November 
            5, 1775, died  July 10, 1844) and his wife  Elizabeth of West 
            Boscawen, New Hampshire.  Nancy A. Couch was  born on January 
            15, 1801  and died  November 22,  1874.Her father,  Nathaniel 
            Heath Couch, was  the son of Benjamin and  Rachel Couch. Amos 
            and Nancy  lived on  Battle Street,  Webster, New  Hampshire, 
            and later in  Canterbury, New Hampshire. This  couple had ten 
                 A.   Mary  A. Stone,  born August  1, 1819.  She married 
                 first  George  W.  Shackford   of  Barrington  [NH?]  on 
                 November  27,  1842;  secondly  to  Frank  C.  Smith  of 
                 Concord,  New Hampshire  on  March  13, 1855.  Mary  and 
                 George had issue:
                      1.   Charles F. Shackford, born January 24, 1844
                      2.   George  W. Shackford,  born May  11, 1846  and 
                      died January 4, 1849.
                 B.   Eliza C. Stone, born  October 14, 1820; she married 
                 Benjamin  F.   Call  of  Salisbury,  New   Hampshire  on 
                 November  27, 1845.  They  had  the following  children, 
                 perhaps others as well:
                      1.   Addie Call, born November 3, 1846.
                      2.   Ira A. Call, born November 3, 1849.
                 C.   Gilman C.  Stone, born March 11, 1823.  He lived in 
                 Webster, New Hampshire  and was a carpenter  most of his 
                 life.  He married  Mary F.  Boutelle  of Hopkinton,  New 
                 Hampshire on November  29, 1855. They had  the following 
                      1.   Ira Francis Stone, born  July 8, 1862 and died 
                      October 21 of the same year.
                      2.   Arthur W. Stone, born October 23, 1865.
                 D.    Ira  A. Stone,  born June  13, 1825;  died October 
                 15, 1846.
                 E.   Joseph Warren  Stone [Named for Gen.  Joseph Warren 
                 of the  Revolution?], born  October 10,  1827. Lived  in 
                 Canterbury, New  Hampshire. He  married twice.  First to 
                 his  cousin  Catherine  Stone,  of  West  Boscawen,  New 
                 Hampshire on  November 28,  1855. Catherine  Stone, born 
                 October 20,  1838. She  died on  February 19,  1863. She 
                 was the daughter  of George W. Stone and  Julia A. Swett 
                 of  West Boscawen,  New Hampshire.  Joseph Warren  Stone 
                 married  secondly  Mary  J.   Lovering  of  Loudon,  New 
                 Hampshire  on February  19,  1864. By  Mary  he had  the 
                 following children:
                      1.   Cate J. Stone, born January 7, 1865
                      2.   Carrie N. Stone, born  March 7, 1868, and died 
                      July 28, 1871.
                      3.   Ira W. Stone, born December 1, 1873 
                 F.   Hannah A. Stone, born  April 12, 1830; married John 
                 B. Sanford of Concord, New Hampshire on April 2, 1856 
                 G.     Henry  F.  Stone, born  August  20,  1833.  Henry 
                 married on October  11, 1855, Adelia Ann  Babson Sanborn 
                 of  West Boscawen,  New  Hampshire,  daughter of  Deacon 
                 Joseph Knight  and Hannah Seaver  Sanborn, born  in West 
                 Boscawen on  September 4,  1834. [Joseph  Knight Sanborn 
                 was born in Webster, N.H. in  November 4, 1801. He was a 
                 farmer. He married on December  2, 1827 Hannah Seaver of 
                 Deerfield, N.H.  Hannah was  born on  July 30,  1798 and 
                 died June 11, 1884. Joseph died  in Webster on March 26, 
                 1889. Besides  the children  mentioned in records below, 
                 i.e., George T.,  Adelia A.B., Hannah L.,  they also had 
                 a son  Heman Bean  Sanborn, born  February 26,  1830. He 
                 had two sons.]  They lived in Manchester,  New Hampshire 
                 and had two sons:
                      1.   Oscar P. Stone, born September 24, 1858
                      2.   Clarence P. Stone, born  November 11, 1863. He 
                      died October 12, 1877.
                 H.   Royal H.  Stone, born June 15, 1837  and died March 
                 9, 1842
                 I.   Nancy J.  Stone, born October 13,  1839; died March 
                 13, 1842
                 J.   Myron  H. Stone, born March  18, 1843. He  lived in 
                 Manchester, New  Hampshire. He married Hannah  C. Moore, 
                 born 1842, the  daughter of Abiel F. Moore  and Sarah C. 
                 Cote  of  Canterbury on  July  28,  1869. They  had  the 
                 following children:
                      1.   Leona G. Stone, born July 18, 1870
                      2.   Leon M. Stone, born August 13, 1871
                      3.   Bertha L. Stone, born March 15, 1876
                      4.   Clarence Stone
            IV.   Polly  Stone, born May  27, 1797; she  married Benjamin 
            C. Swasey in 1831.
            V.    Peter  Stone,  born  December   11  (some  records  say 
            December 19)  1799, in  Boscawen, New  Hampshire. He  died in 
            Healdsburg, California,  just north of  Santa Rosa,  on March 
            18, 1889. [His  tombstone at the Rural  Cemetery, Santa Rosa, 
            California, reads: "Peter Stone, died  March 18, 1889, ae. 89 
            years, 3  months, 7 days."]  He was  buried next to  his wife 
            Ruth and  daughter-in-law Annie  Call, first  wife of  Nathan 
            Stone. Until he  moved to Santa Rosa, California  he lived on 
            the  family homestead.  On  December  27, 1824,  Peter  Stone 
            married Ruth  Call, the  daughter of  Silas Call  of Boscawen 
            and his wife Mary Corser. Ruth  Corser Call was born December 
            31, 1802. She  died April 15, 1886 in  Santa Rosa, California 
            and is buried  next to her husband in  the "Pioneer Cemetery" 
            in that city [her tombstone reads,  "Ruth Call Stone, wife of 
            Peter Stone, died April 15, 1886,  ae. 83 years, 3 months, 39 
            ? days. Native  of Boscawen, New Hampshire].  [Also buried in 
            the same  plot is "William H.  Davy, died April 1,  1879, ae. 
            56  years].  Peter was  an  active  member of  the  Christian 
            Church  and  society,  While   that  denomination  maintained 
            public  worship,.  and  when  emigration  to  California  and 
            change made it  impossible longer to sustain a  church of his 
            order with a catholic spirit he  became an attendant upon the 
            Congregational Church  (in Santa  Rosa). Peter  and his  wife 
            wrote  the  committee  for  the   One  hundred  and  fiftieth 
            Anniversary of  Boscawen, New Hampshire  from Santa  Rosa the 
            following letter:
                                          SANTA ROSA, CAL.,  Aug. 1, 
                      Dear Sir:  Nothing but  distance prevents  out 
                 meeting  you at  the Old  Fort, of  which who  many 
                 legends we told  us in childhood-- the  death of my 
                 great grandmother Call  by the Indians, &c.  As our 
                 ancestors  were  of  the early  settlers,  many  of 
                 their  sufferings and  privations  were related  to 
                 their  children. Time  has  wrought great  changes. 
                 What would  be said now, if  a woman should  take a 
                 spinning-wheel in  her lap, on horseback,  and ride 
                 on  the   canter!  Such  was  common   then.  Great 
                 progress and refinement had  taken place before our 
                 day,  almost  eighty-four  years   ago,  and  still 
                 improvement goes on.  Although we live in  the land 
                 of the  sun, of  the vine,  and of  tropical fruits 
                 and  flowers, we  cherish the  remembrance of  deal 
                 old Boscawen  and the many  true and  tried friends 
                 there, among whom was your  honored father. We live 
                 more  in  the   past  than  in  the   present.  Our 
                 conversation is where old memories cluster.
                      We  have a  pleasant  home,  and are  tenderly 
                 cared for  in the  City of  Roses. King  regards to 
                                          MR. & MRS. PETER STONE
            This can  be found  on pages 84-85  of the  150th Anniversary 
            Book  on the  Town of  Boscawen and  Webster, New  Hampshire, 
            Peter  Stone   had  been  an  exceedingly   industrious  man, 
            laboring  early and  late, not  compelled  by necessity,  but 
            doing it  as a  duty and  pleasure, carrying  into his  daily 
            life the scriptural injunction,  "Whatsoever thy hand findeth 
            to do, do it  with thy might," to quote the  article on Peter 
            Stone in  the 150th Anniversary of  the Town of  Boscawen and 
            Webster, New  Hampshire volume records  compiled by  the Rev. 
            Arthur  Little  in 1884.  Deacon  Peter  Stone and  his  wife 
            resided  at  the   homestead  on  Province  Road,   near  the 
            Blackwater  in West  Boscawen,  New  Hampshire. Deacon  Peter 
            Stone and his wife Ruth Call had the following children:
                 A.   Phebe  C[all?] Stone, born  September 24,  1825 and 
                 died on July 22, 1863. She  married John A. McClure, the 
                 son  of John  and Sally  McClure of  Boscawen. John  was 
                 born in  that town on October  22, 1822. John  and Phebe 
                 were married in March of 1848. They had :
                      1.   Edwin  P. McClure,  born in  Boscawen on  July 
                      13, 1850. 
                      2.   Charles McClure, age 33 in 1889. 
                      3.   Abbie McClure, 
                      4.   Alice McClure, born 1857.  She married in 1873 
                      to J.W.  Ford who was born  March 3, 1850  and died 
                      May 6, 1931.  They had one son who died  at the age 
                      of 19.  Alice died in 1949  at the age of  92. They 
                      were of Concord, New Hampshire in 1889.
                 B.   Charles J.  F. Stone, born April 21,  1827 and died 
                 April 19,  1860. Charles  was a  member of  the Military 
                 Academy at  Norwich Vermont;  afterwards he  studied law 
                 with Austin  F. Pike, Esq.,  at Franklin,  New Hampshire 
                 and at the Cambridge Law School.  He was admitted to the 
                 bar  and practiced  law at  Plymouth.  On September  20, 
                 1855  he  married   Abbie  A.  Weare  of   Andover,  New 
                 Hampshire. They had two children:
                      1.   George  W. Stone, born  November 11,  1857. He 
                      and his  brother graduated from  Dartmouth College, 
                      Class of 1878. "like his  father, George was also a 
                      brilliant  lawyer. He  died at  the age  of 61.  Of 
                      Andover,  New   Hampshire  in  1889.  Had   been  a 
                      representative in  the New  Hampshire Legislature." 
                      He had two sons:
                           a.   Lieut. Charles Stone,  spent some time in 
                           b.   Fred Stone.  Fred Stone lost his  life in 
                           the  sinking   of  the  U.S.   shipping  board 
                           steamer Castalia  off Sable Island. He  was 19 
                           years  of  age  and a  native  of  Andover,  a 
                           graduate of  Proctor Academy and a  student at 
                           the  New  Hampshire  College  at  Durham,  New 
                           Hampshire  when   he  enlisted  in   the  U.S. 
                           Merchant Marine at Boston.
                      2.   Charles W. Stone, born  August 6, 1859. He and 
                      his  brother  graduated   from  Dartmouth  College, 
                      Class of 1878. He was  of Andover, New Hampshire in 
                 C.   Hannah Elizabeth  Stone, born December 12,  1828 in 
                 Boscawen, and died October 26,  1865. She married George 
                 Tristram  Sanborn, of  West Boscawen,  New Hampshire  on 
                 January 13, 1850. George, born  in Deerfield, N.H.,  was 
                 the  son  of  Deacon Joseph  Knight  and  Hannah  Seaver 
                 Sanborn of  Boscawen. George was  born on May  24, 1828. 
                 He  was  a  farmer  of   Boscawen  but  later  moved  to 
                 California  and  lived  in Mountain  View,  Santa  Clara 
                 County.  George's middle  name was  "Tristam" after  his 
                 paternal  grandfather, Tristam  Sanborn.  George T.  and 
                 Hannah had issue:
                      1.   Georgianna  Elizabeth Sanborn,  born March  2, 
                      1850.  She married  on November  2,  1871, John  B. 
                      Chase of Webster,  New Hampshire. She died  on July 
                      18, 1897. They had two sons and two daughters.
                      2.    Fred   George  Sanborn,   born  in   Webster, 
                      Merrimack Co.,  N.H. on  June 9,  1854. In  1882 he 
                      married Helen  Peck, a  native of  New York  State. 
                      Fred arrived in  San Francisco on February  4, 1874 
                      and  was living  at 1020  Dolores  Street in  1889. 
                      There is  a photo of  him between pages  588-589 in 
                      the Sanford Family Genealogy.
                      3.   Flora  Angelina Sanborn,  born March  5, 1852. 
                      Died  at  Boscawen,  New  Hampshire,  February  26, 
                 D.   Silas C. Stone, born  November 14, 1830, died April 
                 19,  1914. He  married  on February  6,  1854, Julia  A. 
                 Pattee of Goffstown who was born  March 6, 1826 and died 
                 May  15, 1887.  For  many years  Silas  resided in  West 
                 Roxbury, Massachusetts, he was there  as of 1879. He was 
                 in  Boston in  1889.  He was  a  successful teacher  and 
                 master of the  Sherwin School at Boston  for many years. 
                 He and Julia had one son and two daughters:
                      1.    Alaric Stone,  born  January  28, 1855;  died 
                      1934. He married  Alice, daughter of Mary  A. Stone 
                      and Jonas Call. Alice died in 1883. Their issue:
                           a.   Alaric Maxwell Stone,  born July 8, 1880; 
                           died  in  1930.  He  married  Ruth  Taylor  on 
                           October 21, 1907 and had two daughters:
                                i.   Faith Stone
                                ii.   Catherine Stone
                           b.   Alice Stone, born 1883; died 1883. 
                      2.   Sarah Abbie Stone, born January 10, 1861.
                      3.   Annie  F.S. Stone, born  August 3,  1867, died 
                      August   4,  1947.   She   married  Philip   Drowne 
                      Sturdivant on  September 3,  1895; Philip  was born 
                      August 21, 1859 and died  March, 1921. They had two 
                      daughters, most  of whose descendents lived  in and 
                      around the area of Portland, Maine:
                           a.    Phyllis Ruth  Sturdivant, born  February 
                           8, 1898.  She married  Herman Pittel  Sweetser 
                           on August 14, 1919. He  was born September 14, 
                           1887  and died  on May  10,  1974. Herman  was 
                           Professor of Agriculture at  the University of 
                           Maine. They had issue:
                                1.   Mary  Elizabeth Sweetser,  born June 
                                2,  1920.   She  married   Elmer  Ledyard 
                                Baxter,  born  December  30,  1919.  They 
                                were married  January 8,  1944. They  had 
                                     (1)Ledyard  Sturdivant Baxter,  born 
                                     August  15, 1945.  He married  Nancy 
                                     Spahn and had issue:
                                          (a)    Joshua  Stephen  Baxter, 
                                          born September 23, 1971.
                                          (b)   Jonathan  Richard Baxter, 
                                          born June 
                                          9, 1948.
                                     (2)    David Sweetser  Baxter,  born 
                                     June  9,  1948. He  married  Deborah 
                                     (3)    Benjamin Ayres  Baxter,  born 
                                     April 14, 1954.
                                ii.    Philip Sturdivant  Sweetser,  born 
                                March 5,  1922, died  November 18,  1974. 
                                He  married  Charlotte Wunderly  on  July 
                                20, 1944.  She was born August  15, 1922. 
                                Their children:
                                     (1)    Karen  Ruth   Sweetser,  born 
                                     August 13, 1945.  She married Robert 
                                     Zaikis and had issue:
                                          (a)    Andrew   Philip  Zaikis, 
                                          born March 24, 1972.
                                          (b)   Brian Frank  Zaikis, born 
                                          May 23, 1974.
                                     (2)   Charlotte  Ann Sweetser,  born 
                                     October   15,  1947.   She   married 
                                     Robert Stefanik.
                                iii.    Richard  Webster  Sweetser,  born 
                                September  10,  1926.  Married  Constance 
                                Stone   Lincoln   on   June   30,   1951. 
                                Constance was born on  September 7, 1930. 
                                They had issue:
                                     (1)     Richard  Webster   Sweetser, 
                                     born September 10, 1952.
                                     (2)    Gregory Gage  Sweetser,  born 
                                     May 30, 1954.
                                     (3)    Catherine  Lincoln  Sweetser, 
                                     born July 2, 1956.
                           b.   Jeannette  Sturdivant, born  December 12, 
                           1900.  She  married Robert  Marsh  Edwards  on 
                           October  12,  1925.  Robert who  was  born  on 
                           April 14,  1904 was a  mortician. They  had no 
                 E.   Mary J. Stone [first  of this name], born September 
                 18, 1832 and died November 22, 1832.
                 F.   Mary J.  Stone [second of the  name], born November 
                 3, 1833. She was of Webster,  New Hampshire in 1889. But 
                 they all  lived in  the Santa  Rosa California  area for 
                 many  years.  She   married  Moses  F.  Heath   of  West 
                 Boscawen, New Hampshire  on June 25, 1852.  They had two 
                 daughters and one son:
                      1.   Luella Heath who  married George Simpson. They 
                      had four children.
                      2.   Eva Heath, married William B. Simpson. Issue: 
                      3.    Eugene Heath,  who married  Rogene Evans  and 
                      had four children.
                 G.   Ruth E.  Stone, born December 18,  1835; died March 
                 23, 1841.
                 H.    Charlotte A.  Stone,  born  February 25,  1839  in 
                 Boscawen, New Hampshire. Died  in Santa Rosa, California 
                 April  7,  1883.  She  married   first  John  Sawyer  of 
                 Concord,  New Hampshire;  and married  secondly, in  San 
                 Francisco, California  August 12, 1868,  Joshua Colomore 
                 Sargent who was  born in Warner, New  Hampshire [next to 
                 Boscawen,  New  Hampshire]  on  May  6,  1823  and  died 
                 December  7, 1885.  In the  1868-1869  Directory of  San 
                 Francisco,  California,  he  is  listed  as  a  District 
                 Officer,  4th   District  Customs  House,   Office  P.M. 
                 Steamship Company's Wharf.  He was living at  543 Second 
                 Street,  San Francisco,  California.  In  the census  of 
                 1880 for Sonoma County,  California, page 17, Supervisor 
                 District #3,  enumeration list  #124, #172/181,  east of 
                 Healdsburg and  Petaluma [California]  and outside  city 
                 limits of Santa  Rosa, they lived. Charlotte  was listed 
                 as "Lottie  Sargent," and  "keeping house."  Her husband 
                 was  listed  as  a "Deputy  Surveyor."  Joshua  Colomore 
                 Sargent had been previously  married. Joshua Sargent and 
                 his first wife must have  had the following children who 
                 are  listed as  "daughter" and  "son" in  the Census  of 
                 1880 of  Sonoma County, California [page  17, Supervisor 
                 District  3, enumeration  list  124]  had the  following 
                      1.   Ella  N. Sargent,  born in  California and  at 
                      the age  of 23 living  at home  as of the  June 12, 
                      1880 census.
                      2.   Abe  Lincoln Sargent,  born in  California and 
                      living at  home at  the age  of 17  as of  June 12, 
                      1880. According to the  Santa Rosa City Directories 
                      of 1903 and 1905, he  was a carriage painter living 
                      on Rutledge  Avenue at  the corner  of Ware.  [Most 
                      likely the  Abe Lincoln Sargent,  d. July  17, 1909 
                      at  the  age  of  46  and  buried  in  Santa  Rosa, 
                      California  Catholic  Cemetery  next  to  his  wife 
                      Ellen  M.   Williams  Sargent.  According   to  the 
                      baptismal records  of St. Rose Church,  Santa Rosa, 
                      California, Abe Lincoln Sargent  and his wife Ellen 
                      Williams had issue at least two children:
                           a.    Francis ("Franciscus"  in the  register) 
                           Edric Sargent, born December 17, 1892.
                           b.    Abe  Lincoln  Sargent,  born  March  16, 
                           1893,  place  of  residence  at  time  of  his 
                           baptism  was   Santa  Rosa.  His   sponsor  at 
                           baptism was Bridget Feely.]
                 [It  is  possible  that  F. Joshua  Sargent  who  was  a 
                 resident of  921 College Avenue, Santa  Rosa, California 
                 in 1887 was  also a son. At this point  however, this is 
                 just a guess.]
                 By his second wife, Charlotte, Joshua had issue:
                      3.   Martha Lottie Sargent  [called "Mattie" in the 
                      Sonoma County, California Census  of 1880, at which 
                      time  she   was  "going   to  school."],   born  in 
                      California June 5, 1869. Died May 15, 1882.
                      4.   Nyna  Emma Sargent, born  August 28,  1870. In 
                      the  Census of  1880 of  Sonoma County,  California 
                      she  is  listed   as  "Nynie  E."  Living   in  San 
                      Francisco, California  at 1010  Dolores St.  at age 
                      17  in  1889.  She  died   November  21,  1956.  On 
                      September 7, 1892 she  married Harry Bishop Hambly, 
                      the son of David William  Hambly and Jane Jenkin of 
                      Snake Lake,  Plumas County,  California. For  their 
                      issue, see under THE HAMBLY FAMILY. 
                      5.   Alvan Zebulon Sargent, born  May 8, 1872; died 
                      January  17, 1936.  He was  living  in Santa  Rosa, 
                      California  in 1889.  He  married  January 8,  1902 
                      Grace  E. M.  Reed,  born  January 26,  1879,  died 
                      February 22, 1963. They had the following children:
                           a.   Alvan  Read Sargent, born July  19, 1903; 
                           married  Virginia  Faul,   October  15,  1926. 
                           Virginia was born October  15, 1906. Alvan was 
                           in food  sales most  of his  life with  Purity 
                           Stores, Ltd., from 1933-1959.  He and Virginia 
                                i.    Alvan   Read  Sargent,   Jr.,  born 
                                August 15,  1927; Alvan  was in  the Navy 
                                after World  War II and  was sent  to the 
                                South Pacific Area for  his tour of duty. 
                                He served  on a gun  boat for  12 months. 
                                He married  Donna Intagliata  on June  3, 
                                1956.  Donna  was born  on  December  30, 
                                1929. Their children were:
                                     (a)   Virginia  Sargent, born  March 
                                     11, 1957
                                     (b)    Roseann  Sargent,  born  June 
                                     30, 1959
                                     (c)    Alvan  Joseph  Sargent,  born 
                                     September 13, 1968
                                ii.     Richard   Faul    Sargent,   born 
                                November  27,  1931;   Richard  spent  22 
                                months on  the Naval  Destroyer "Brinkley 
                                Bass"  during   the  Korean   War  as   a 
                                store-keeper.   He  sailed   the   China, 
                                Yellow and  Japan Seas  and went  through 
                                many harrowing  experiences. In  civilian 
                                life  food sales  was  his specialty.  He 
                                married Donna Chelson,  February 5, 1955. 
                                Donna was born July 24, 1933. Issue:
                                     (a)    Linda Sargent,  born  October 
                                     2,  1952.  She married  John  Steven 
                                     Day on  February 5,  1974. John  was 
                                     born on February 5, 1949. They had:
                                          Christian  Michael   Day,  born 
                                          January 1, 1975.
                                     (b)   Richard F.  Sargent, Jr., born 
                                     November 26, 1955
                                     (c)    Robert  John   Sargent,  born 
                                     June 9, 1960; died 1978
                           b.    Warren  Colomore Sargent,  born  October 
                           19, 1911;  died December 22, 1952.  He married 
                           June Laurimore  on October 15, 1934.  June was 
                           born June 2, 1914. They had issue:
                                i.   Gail  Read Sargent,  born March  23, 
                                1936. She  married James  Nelson Hall  on 
                                August 21, 1959. James  was born February 
                                22, 1937. They had issue:
                                     (a)    Elizabeth  Merry  Hall,  born 
                                     July 4, 1960
                                     (b)   Gillian  Read Hall,  born July 
                                     3, 1963
                                ii.   Sandra  Lauree Sargent,  born April 
                                27, 1940.  She married Robert  Gene Walls 
                                on   June   27,  1959.   Sandra   married 
                                secondly  Donald  Asquith  on  August  6, 
                                1966. Donald was born on  May 5, 1935. By 
                                Robert   Gene   Walls  Sandra   had   the 
                                following children:
                                     (a)   Victoria  Gayleen Walls,  born 
                                     March 19, 1960
                                     (b)    Daniel  Warren   Walls,  born 
                                     April 15, 1961. 
                      6.    Ruth Isabel  Sargent, born  October 6,  1879; 
                      died August 25,  1952. She was adopted  by her Aunt 
                      Emma R. Swett  with whom she always  lived. She was 
                      a  teacher in  the  Public  Schools of  California. 
                      Living in Santa Rosa, California in 1889. 
                 I.    Frederick Peter  Stone,  born  March 24,  1841  in 
                 Boscawen,  New Hampshire.  He remained  on his  father's 
                 farm until the breaking out of  the war when he enlisted 
                 in the  cavalry, Company  I, December  17, 1861.  He was 
                 promoted   to  first   sergeant   on   March  1,   1863, 
                 re-enlisted  on June  5,  1864,  and again  promoted  to 
                 first Lieutenent, Co. D, April  15, 1864, and captain on 
                 June 10, 1865. He was in the following engagements: 

                 Warrenton Junction,           16 April, 1862
                 Rappahannock,                 18 April, 1862
                 Cedar Mountain,                9 August, 1862
                 North Rappahannock,           21 August, 1862
                 Catlett Station,              21 August, 1862
                 Rappahannock Station,         23 August, 1862
                 Sulphur Spring,               26 August, 1862
                 Groveton,                     28 August, 1862
                 Second Bull Run,              30 August, 1862
                 Chantilly,                     1 September, 1862
                 White's Ford,                 12 October, 1862
                 Mountville,                   31 October, 1862
                 Hazel Run,                    16 November, 1862
                 Fredericksburg,               13 December, 1862
                 Hartwood Church,              25 February, 1863
                 Rapidan River,                 1 May, 1863
                 Ellis Ford,                    4 May, 1863
                 Brandy Station,                9 June, 1863
                 Middlebury,                   17 June, 1863
                 Warrenton,                    12 October, 1863
                 Auburn,                       14 October, 1863
                 Bristow Station,              14 October, 1863
                 Some of  these engagements  were between  small parties, 
                 others  where  the  opposite  side   was  in  force.  At 
                 Groveton, a valuable  horse which Capt. Stone  had taken 
                 from Boscawen was shot beneath  him. At Chantilly he was 
                 near General Kearney when he  fell. At Mountville he was 
                 one of  six that escaped  out of  a party of  sixty that 
                 were captured. At Middlebury which  was one of the sharp 
                 cavalry engagements  of the War,  he was  taken prisoner 
                 and immured in  Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia  and at 
                 Belle Isle he was kept in durance for thirty five days.
                      After  his   re-enlistment  his  regiment   he  was 
                 attached  to Sheridan's  Command in  the  Valley of  the 
                 Shenandoah.  At  the  Battle  of  Winchester  which  was 
                 fought on September  21, 1864 he was  again captured and 
                 sent  again to  Libby Prison  and  thence to  Salisbury, 
                 North  Carolina and  thence to  Danville, Virginia.  All 
                 this  in five  months. He  reached  Washington, D.C.  in 
                 season to join the corps  that hunted down the assassins 
                 who  were  engaged  in  the  plot  to  murder  President 
                 Lincoln and Secretary Seward.
                      He was  mustered out  of service  on July  15, 1865 
                 and  married Hannah  Lovilla Sanborn,  born January  16, 
                 1839, the  daughter of Deacon  Joseph Knight  and Hannah 
                 Seaver  Sanborn of  Webster,  and  sister to  George  T. 
                 Sanborn who  married Frederick R. Stone's  sister Hannah 
                 E. Stone.  Frederick P. Stone  and Lovilla  Sanborn were 
                 married  on  August  17,  1865,   and  they  sailed  for 
                 California  on  October  22,   1865.  According  to  the 
                 1868-1869 San  Francisco City  Directory, Fred.  P Stone 
                 was  a salesman  with  H. H.  Bancroft  &  Co., and  was 
                 dwelling   at  the   Southwest  corner   of  Green   and 
                 Montgomery  Streets in  San  Francisco. Lovilla  Sanborn 
                 was born  January 16,  1839 in  Boscawen, New  Hampshire 
                 and  died September  15,  1906, the  year  of the  Great 
                 Quake, in  San Francisco, California.  From the  time he 
                 arrived in  San Francisco Fred  has been  connected with 
                 the great  publishing house  of Bancroft  & Co.,  of San 
                 Francisco,  holding  a  position of  honor  and  profit, 
                 enjoying  in  a  great  degree  the  confidence  of  his 
                 employers and  the respect  of his  fellow citizens.  He 
                 was   President    of   the    law   book    publishers, 
                 Bancroft-Whitney Co.,  from 1894-1913. Fred  and Lovilla 
                 had issue:
                      1.    Charles F.  Stone,  born  November 22,  1868; 
                      died February 19, 1931. Married  August 17, 1891 to 
                      Marcia  Hilton,   born  January   25,  1871;   died 
                      September 15, 1946. They had one daughter:
                           a.   Ruth Lovilla Stone,  born August 3, 1893. 
                           She was married  to Dr. Alvarez in  1924. Ruth 
                           married secondly,  on January 2,  1930, Mayhew 
                           Lawrence  MacDonald,  ("Jack").  They  had  no 
                           children.  She died  by fire  on November  22, 
                      2.    Josephine  Lovilla Stone,  born  February  7, 
                      1870 and  died November 21, 1961.  Married November 
                      26, 1898 to  H. Edward Alfred Railton  who was born 
                      January 8, 1867. Died March 20, 1952.
                           a.   John  Stone Railton,  born July  9, 1903, 
                           married   November   10,  1931   to   Maryanna 
                           Donnell.  John was  in  Insurance  all of  his 
                           life. He  and his family  lived many  years in 
                           Los Altos, California although  he commuted by 
                           train   to   San  Francisco   each   day.   On 
                           retirement  they  moved  to  "Oakmont,"  Santa 
                           Rosa, California. They had one child:
                                i.    Dean  Railton,  born  November  28, 
                                1932.  He  married   Marlie  Costa,  born 
                                November 30,  1937 on July 9,  1960. They 
                                had issue:
                                     (a)    Susan   Dean  Railton,   born 
                                     September 28, 1961
                                     (b)    Victoria  Lee  Railton,  born 
                                     February 10, 1963
                           b.    Richard  Stone Railton,  born  September 
                           27, 1907,  married Beatrice Joy Moore  on June 
                           4, 1940.  Joy was  born March  31, 1916.  Like 
                           his brother John, Richard  as in the Insurance 
                           business  all  of  his  life.  Most  of  their 
                           married  life Richard  and  Beatrice lived  in 
                           Berkeley, California.  They had  the following 
                                i.   Richard  S. Railton, Jr.,  born June 
                                15, 1941
                                ii.     Jane  Elizabeth   Railton,   born 
                                December 27,  1944, married  John Rodgers 
                                Wheaton  on February  4,  1967. John  was 
                                born March 12, 1938. They had issue:
                                     (a)    Galbraith   Rodgers  Wheaton, 
                                     born September 8, 1970.
                                     (b)      Elizabeth   (Mele)    Moore 
                                     Wheaton, born September 26, 1973
                      3.   Hubert  H. Bancroft Stone, born  September 24, 
                      1871, died 1936
                      4.   Dora B. Stone, born 1873; died 1874.
                 J.   Nathan  Jones Stone [Nathan Jonas  Stone, according 
                 to the  delayed birth certificate  of his son  Nathan in 
                 Santa  Rosa   California],  born  June  11,   1843,  [in 
                 Webster, New  Hampshire according to  the aforementioned 
                 certificate];  died  February 5,  1912;  married  twice. 
                 First to Annie M. Call  of San Francisco, California; In 
                 the San  Francisco, California  Directory of  1868-1869, 
                 Nathan is  listed as  a clerk  with H.  H. Bancroft  and 
                 Co., dwelling at  the Call Ranch on San  Bruno Road, San 
                 Francisco. Annie  died February 4,  1879. She  is buried 
                 in  the  Stone  Family  plot in  the  Pioneer  or  Rural 
                 Cemetery  in  Santa  Rosa,   California.  Her  tombstone 
                 reads,  "Annie M.  Stone, wife  of Nathan  J. Stone,  d. 
                 Feb. 4, 1879 ae. 32 years  8 mos., 3 days. 'God's Finger 
                 touched her and  she slept.'" Nathan then  married Olive 
                 Augusta Parshall  on December 4,  1880 [in  Belfast, New 
                 York according to  the delayed birth Certificate  of her 
                 son Nathan  Parshall Stone]. They  lived in  Santa Rosa, 
                 California. For  several years he  served as a  clerk in 
                 the  bookstore  of  the   Bancrofts  in  San  Francisco, 
                 California. He  traveled extensively  for the  Bancrofts 
                 in the Territories, California  and the Atlantic States. 
                 For another firm in Yokahama,  Japan he also traveled in 
                 Europe  in  the  mercantile  business.  By  Annie  Call, 
                 Nathan had:
                      1.   An infant  son, born May 16, and  died May 17, 
                      2.   An infant daughter, born  January 19, and died 
                      January 20, 1878.
                 By  his second  wife, Olive  Augusta  Parshall, who  was 
                 born  in Belfast,  New York  (according  to the  delayed 
                 birth certificate  of her son  Nathan P. Stone  in Santa 
                 Rosa) January 7,  1842; she died November  7, 1919. (Her 
                 father was born  in New York state also;  her mother was 
                 from Pennsylavnia.) they had five children:
                      3.    Nathan Parshall  Stone, born  in Santa  Rosa, 
                      California on February 13, 1881  and died March 22, 
                      4.   Fred Peter Stone, Jr.,  born February 20, 1882 
                      and died  March 3,  1922; he  married in  Mexico to 
                      Guadalupe Diaz  who died January 26,  1937, leaving 
                      four children:
                           a.   Alicia Stone
                           b.   Carmen Stone
                           c.   Edwardo Stone
                           d.   Ruth Stone
                      5.   Silas  D. Stone, born  January 31,  1883, died 
                      December  6,  1907.  He was  the  twin  brother  of 
                      Arthur L. Stone below:
                      6.    Arthur L.  Stone, twin  brother  to Silas  D. 
                      Stone, above. Born January 31,  1883 and died April 
                      4,  1968.  He married  June  25,  1930 to  Mary  E. 
                      Bateman  who was  born October  19,  1893 and  died 
                      September 17, 1974.  Arthur was in the  citrus tree 
                      fumigating business  most of  his life.  He was  at 
                      one time Mayor  of La Hambra, California.  They had 
                           a.    Olive  Mary  Stone,  born  December  24, 
                           1932, died in infancy.
                           b.    Arthur B.  Stone, born  April 28,  1934. 
                           Arthur served as  an enlisted man in  the U.S. 
                           Army  in Korea  for three  years. In  civilian 
                           life he had an antique store business.
                      7.   Olive Estelle Stone,  born September 13, 1885. 
                      Died in Mexico in 1907.
                 K.   Emma Ruth  Stone, born July 6,  1845, died December 
                 8, 1924. She  married on October 9,1863  to Frank Harvey 
                 Swett  who  was  born  on  January  28,  1843  and  died 
                 November  5, 1894.  [According to  the  Census of  1880, 
                 Sonoma  County,  Santa  Rosa, page,  26,  dwelling  226, 
                 family  235,  He  is  listed   as  Frank  Hervey  Swett. 
                 According to the  Census of 1880, they lived  at 153 2nd 
                 Street in Santa  Rosa. Peter and Ruth  Stone were living 
                 with them. Ruth  had "Billous Colic" at the  time of the 
                 census]. They had one son:
                      1.   Wilbur  Maurice Swett, born November  20, 1866 
                      and  died  December  26,  1937.  According  to  the 
                      Census of  1880 (see  note on  his father  for page 
                      etc.) he  is listed  as Wilbur  K(?) Swett  and was 
                      born in Wisconsin!] Wilbur  was an ear-eye-nose and 
                      throat physician. He married  Alice Thomas on April 
                      20, 1893. She  was born February 17,  1864 and died 
                      March 11, 1942. They had three sons:
                           a.    Wilbur Frank  Swett,  born February  12, 
                           1894  and   died  in  Veterans'   Hospital  on 
                           January 11, 1973. He too,  like his father was 
                           and excellent EEN&T physician.  He was 1st Lt. 
                           Artillery in  active service in  France during 
                           World War  II. He married  Ethel Ann  Emory on 
                           September 20, 1929.  She was born on  July 14, 
                           1892. They had:
                           b.   Sandra  Swett, born  March 11,  1931. She 
                           married  Kenneth Lyne  King,  an engineer  and 
                           inventor of renown, on August  14, 1954 in San 
                           Francisco, California. Their issue:
                                i.   Eleanor  Lyne King, born  January 2, 
                                ii.    Kenneth Lyne  King,  born May  15, 
                                iii.   Ann Emory King,  born November 13, 
                           C.   John  E. Swett, born  March 19,  1932. He 
                           married Veronique de Coppet  in Paris, France, 
                           on June  30, 1967.  She was  born on  July 24, 
                           1934.  John   received  his   A.B.  from   the 
                           University of Washington in  1956. He received 
                           his PhD.  from the  University of  California, 
                           Los Angeles in  anatomy in 1960. He  served in 
                           the U.S.  Army 1951-1953 in  the Anti-aircraft 
                           Artillery as a  2nd Lt. He is  a Professor and 
                           Chairman  of  the  Department  of  Anatomy  at 
                           University of  California, Irvine as  of 1976. 
                           He teaches  medical students;  through Federal 
                           Grants he  researches sensory  systems of  the 
                           brain.  Also he  is  the  Administrator of  an 
                           academic department. He  has received teaching 
                           awards.  He has  also  taught  in the  Medical 
                           School in Denver, Colorado. They had issue:
                                i.   Eric  Robert Swett,  born March  31, 
                                ii.   Karen Swett, born May 14, 1960
                                iii.    Anne  Laura Swett,  born  January 
                                20, 1967
                           d.    Harold David  Swett  was born  September 
                           28, 1898.  He died  February 23,  1954. Harold 
                           was  in   France  in   World  War   I,  front, 
                           infantry.  In peacetime  he was  a Captain  in 
                           the National Guard for  many years. He married 
                           Virginia Brown.  They had no  children. Harold 
                           married  secondly Marjory  Dare  Lacy in  May, 
                           1933. She was  born on October 10,  1909. They 
                           had issue:
                                i.   Wanda Swett, born  June 2, 1936. She 
                                married   on   August   10,   1963   Earl 
                                Creighton Burgess,  who was  born January 
                                19, 1931. Their children:
                                     (a)   Gregory  Warren Burgess,  born 
                                     January 14, 1965
                                     (b)    Amelia  Lisa   Burgess,  born 
                                     July 3, 1966
                           e.   Walter  Gordon Swett, born July  28, 1902 
                           and died  April 25, 1963.  He was in  the Navy 
                           in World War I. He  later served as Captain in 
                           the Army  Dental Corps in  Texas in  World War 
                           II as  a dentist. In  civilian life  he remade 
                           autos  into  specialty  cars as  a  hobby.  He 
                           married  Doris  Dore  and   had  no  children. 
                           Walter  married  secondly Miriam  Marshall  on 
                           July 11, 1936. Their children were:
                                i.   Martha  Swett, born  July 19,  1946. 
                                She died  by an  accident on  October 15, 
                                ii.   Marshall Swett, born March 8, 1950.
            VI.   George W. Stone, born  September 5, 1802. Married Julia 
            A. Sweatt  of West Boscawen, New  Hampshire on May  13, 1833. 
            They  lived in  Webster,  New Hampshire  on  a farm  formerly 
            owned by Caleb Knight, Esq. Eight children:
                 A.   Caroline  Stone, born  March 4,  1834. She  died on 
                 September 4, 1842.
                      B.   Catherine  Stone, born  October 20,  1838. She 
                      died  on  February  19, 1863.  She  married  Joseph 
                      Warren  Stone  of  West Boscawen  on  November  29, 
                      1855. Joseph  Warren Stone  [Named for  Gen. Joseph 
                      Warren of the Revolution?],  born October 10, 1827. 
                      He was her cousin, the son  of Amos Stone and Nancy 
                      A. Couch.  Apparently they had no  children. Joseph 
                      married a second time and had issue:
                      1.   Cate J. Stone, born January 7, 1865
                      2.   Carrie N. Stone, born March 7, 1868, and died 
                           July 28, 1871.
                      3.   Ira W. Stone, born December 1, 1873
                 C.   Cyrus A. Stone, born January 10, 1842
                 D.   Marcia A. Stone, born April 4, 1844. She died      
                      November 7, 1862
                 E.   Ella F. Stone, born November 26, 1846
                 F.    George  Henry  Stone,   born  February  17,  1850; 
                 married Lottie J. Seavey of  Boscawen, New Hampshire, on 
                 January 3, 1877.
                 G.   Marietta Stone,  born August 17, 1852;  She married 
                 Benjamin Pettengill of Salisbury on May 13, 1870.
                 H.   Julia Augusta Stone, born May 18, 1856
            VII.    Hannah  Stone,  born  February   14,  1804  and  died 
            November  27, 1864.  She married  Samuel Dana  Couch of  West 
            Boscawen, the son  of Joseph, son of Benjamin,  son of Joseph 
            Couch (further information  on the Couch family  can be found 
            in the History of Boscawen. New  Hampshire on April 26, 1830. 
            They had the following children:
                 A.    Henry J.  Couch,  born April  23,  1831. Henry  J. 
                 married on  January 1, 1857, Mary  F. Davis and  had the 
                 following children:
                      1.   Charles H. Couch, born September 30, 1858
                      2.   Arthur D.  Couch, born September 30,  1861 and 
                      died January 17, 1863
                      3.    Alfred G.  Couch, born  August  24, 1863  and 
                      died August 26, 1863
                      4.   Omar E. Couch, born December 2, 1864
                      5.    Grace Ina  Couch, born  October  1, 1866  and 
                      died October 17, 1866
                 B.   George S.  Couch, born September 22,  1833, married 
                 1st Susan  B. Webster, January  11, 1860 and  2nd, Helen 
                 E.  Davis.  By his  first  wife  Susan, George  had  the 
                 following children: 
                      1.   Herbert W. Couch, born  June 23, 1861 and died 
                      November 30, 1861
                      2.   Almon W. Couch, born January 2, 1863
                      3.   Lilian M. Couch, born February 22, 1867
                 C.   Walter S.  Couch, born September 22,  1837, married 
                 Sarah J. Webster and had the following children:
                      1.   Albert I. Couch, born July 12, 1867
                 D.   Clara J.  Couch, born August 17,  1844. She married 
                 John M. Meserve of Lawrence, Massachusetts.
            VIII.   Royal  Stone, born July  27, 1807, and  died November 
            26,  1895. Royal  Stone settled  in  Andover, New  Hampshire. 
            There  in Andover  on  April 7,  1840  he  married Ruth,  the 
            daughter of  Humphrey Currier and  Sally Ladd  of Canterbury, 
            New  Hampshire  [Humphrey  Currier  was  the  son  of  Samuel 
            Currier  and Ruth  Bailey]. Ruth  was born  on September  19, 
            1821. They had the following children:
                 A.    Christiana C.  Stone,  born  1840[?]. She  married 
                 first Richard  Davis; married  secondly ________  Manuel 
                 of Franklin, New Hampshire.
                 B.    George  R[oyal?]  Stone, born  May  16,  1843;  he 
                 graduated from  Dartmouth College  and practiced  law at 
                 Lynn,  Massachusetts. He  married  Ella  M. Chandler  of 



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