Our Whitley Family of Isle of Wight County, Virginia

The Whitley Family


Isle of Wight County, Virginia

Most of the following is from

originial research by S. B. Joel Watson

      John  Whitley is  the  first of  this family  that  appears in  the 
      records of Isle  of Wight County, Virginia, when on  August 9, 1664 
      he made a deposition  in court saying that he was  36 years of age. 
      Therefore  he  was born  circa  1628.  He  is apparently  the  John 
      Whitley, Sr. whom Thomas Moss appointed  overseer of his will dated 
      February 9,  1669 in Isle  of Wight  County, Virginia. The  will is 
      dated December  14, 1669 and was  probated on February  9, 1669/70, 
      and   mentioned  as   follows:  "land   adjoining  John   Whitley's 
      plantation  to his  son  John Whitley,  to  Thomas Richard  wearing 
      clothes,  to  Thomas Ward  Jr.,  pigs,  John  Whitley rest  of  the 
      estate.  Wits: John  Richards, John  Giles."  Could John  Whitley's 
      wife Ann have been the daughter or  sister of Thomas Moss, for whom 
      Whitley's son Thomas was named?  John Whitley's [Wheatley according 
      to  his will]  will  was  made February  2,  1670  and probated  on 
      February 9,  1671/2 as  follows: "to son  John one  half of  land I 
      live on, the  other half at decease  of my wife Ann;  to son Thomas 
      200 acres of land I purchased  from Anthony Fulgham; to son William 
      200 acres of land adjoining Wm.  Bressie; to daughter Elizabeth one 
      bed; to  son in law  John Williams  one shilling; to  my grandchild 
      Ann Williams,  daughter of John Williams...;  rest of my  estate to 
      wife  Ann. Ann  was executrix  of the  estate. Another  interesting 
      note is that  "John Wheatley, aged 36, Deposition  that Thomas Moss 
      paid by order of  Peter Spurstoo had bill in hands  of James Ennis; 
      9 Aug  1664." John  Whitley died on  February 21,  1670 in  Isle of 
      Wight County, Virginia. His  will is there in Book 2,  page 105. By 
      his wife Ann [Moss?], who  later married William Crocker [according 
      to Minutes of the Council] he had issue:
            1. John Whitley who married Mary Madden, of whom later
            2. Thomas Whitley  who made a deposition on  December 9, 1698 
               saying that he was 40 years of age, hence born ca. 1658.
            3. William Whitley
            4. Elizabeth Whitley, of whom later.
      Elizabeth Whitley,  daughter of  John and  Ann Whitley,  married in 
      1671 in Isle  of Wight County to  John Williams (this is  proved by 
      the  will of  her father  John Whitley).  There were  so many  John 
      Williams living in the county at this  time that it has resulted in 
      much confusion. The  John Williams living at the time  of the death 
      of John  Whitley, Sr. who  died 1670, with  a daughter Ann  was the 
      John Williams who  made his will on February 7,  1686 (probated May 
      1687).  His  legatees   were:  sons  John  and   Thomas,  daughters 
      Elizabeth,  Ann, Sarah,  to whom  he left  personality. To  Charles 
      Durham,  a  heifer.  Wits.: Will  Bradshaw,  Charles  Durham,  Anne 
      Williams, relict of John Williams, qualified  as executor on May 2, 
      1687. John  Williams Jr., son of  John and Anne  Williams petitions 
      the  court in  October  of  1693 that  he  is  of age  and  desires 
      possession of  his in the possession  of his father in  law Charles 
      Durham and  his mother  Ann Durham  (Order Book  1683-95, page  6). 
      Hence, Ann  must have  married secondly  to Charles  Durham. Hence, 
      Elizabeth Whitley and John Williams had issue:
                 1. John Williams
                 2. Thomas Williams
                 3. Elizabeth Williams
                 4. Ann Williams
                 5. Sarah Williams
      John Whitley,  son of John Whitley  and Ann ___, died  before 1695. 
      He married in 1687  Mary Madden, sister of Henry Madden  of Isle of 
      Wight County,  Virginia. Mary Madden  had previously  married James 
      MacDowell of Isle  of Wight County, Virginia who died  ca. 1687 and 
      had a daughter Olive MacDowell. In Will  Book 2, page 272, we find: 
      James   MacDowell,   Leg.   daughter  Olive,   cattle   at   George 
      Norsworthy's to  be used for her  schooling; wife Mary.  Wife Extx. 
      Lt. Col. Pitt  and Tristram Norsworthy trustees.  Dated January 27, 
      1686.  Recorded   December  10,  1687.   Wit:  John   Pitt,  Thomas 
      Norsworthy." In  Isle of Wight  Will and Deed  Book 2, page  178 we 
      find: John  Whitley "Account  of his estate  returned by  his widow 
      Mary Whitley, Adm. Among items Tobacco  which was given my daughter 
      Olive  MacDowell  by  her  father   James  MacDowell.  1695."  John 
      Whitley's will  is in  Book 1, pages  540 and  690. His  estate was 
      appraised by  John Giles, James Tullaugh,  John Clarke on  July 11, 
      1695.  He  is  mentioned  several other  times  in  Isle  of  Wight 
      records: In the Will  of Thomas Moss, tailor of Isle  of Wight, "to 
      son  of John  Whitley,  to Thomas  Richards,  Thomas  Ward Jr.  The 
      Executor  is John  Whitley Jr..  The  will was  dated December  14, 
      1669; recorded February 9, 1669 with  John Richards and John ______ 
      as witnesses. This  is from Will Book  2, page 84. Then  again John 
      Whitley [Jr.] September  14, 1670, receives 100  acres escheat land 
      formerly granted to John Whitley,  Sr. dec[eased]. From Land Grants 
      1628-1674. And  then again:  Estate of  George Allen,  Appraised by 
      Richard Wilkerson, John Whitley and  John Turner. Pres. by Prudence 
      Allen  the widow.  Dated February  6,  1679 and  recorded April  9, 
      1680. Will  book 2, page 210.  And again, Henry  Madden-- Inventory 
      presented by  John Whitley. Dated March  30, 1687. Recorded  May 2, 
      1687.  Book 2,  page 266.  Then, Inventory  of the  estate of  John 
      Whitley filed  by Mary Whitley  May 27,  1695. Then June  19, 1695: 
      John Whitley's  estate appraised by  John Giles, John  Tullaugh and 
      John Clarke.  and then  "Received of  Mary Whitley,  widow of  John 
      Whitley, tobacco for the use of  Thomas, John, and William Whitley, 
      orphans of  said John Whitley.  November 26, 1695  (signed) Charles 
      Barham. Hence, John Whitley Jr. and his wife Mary Madden had issue:
            1. Thomas Whitley, planter, of whom later,
            2. John Whitley, weaver, of whom later,
            3. William Whitley
      Thomas Whitley, planter,  son of John Whitley and  Mary Madden, was 
      born in  Isle of Wight  County, Virginia,  and died in  that county 
      December 5, 1716. He married in 1710  in Isle of Wight County, Mary 
      Street, daughter of John Street of  Isle of Wight County, Virginia. 
      His will is  in Book 2, page  615 and the appraisement  on page 616 
      which  was done  by John  Wright,  Authur Benn,  John Garland,  and 
      Robert Richards Jr.,  on April 22, 1717.  In Deed Book 2,  page 32, 
      dated  February 8,  1705,  we find:  "This  Indenture between  John 
      Whitley of  Newport Parish,  weaver, and  Thomas Whitley,  planter, 
      'The said  land being  conveyed in an  escheat patent  granted unto 
      John  Wheatley, deceased,  father  of  ye aforesaid  John  Whitley, 
      deceased, ye fourth  day of September one thousand  six hundred and 
      seventy. Which said land did descend  unto ye said John Wheatley as 
      heir-at-law to  ye aforesaid  John Wheatley.'"  And Again,  in Deed 
      Book  2, dated  Jan 8,  1705: "Indenture  between Thomas  Wheatley, 
      planter,  and John  Whitley, father  of  aforesaid Thomas  Whitley. 
      John Wheatley purchased of Anthony Fulgham  of the Lower Parish Nov 
      20,  1667 bounded  by  Thomas Wooten  and  William Godwin."  Thomas 
      Whitley and Mary Street had issue:
            1. Elizabeth Whitley
            2. Martha Whitley
            3. Priscilla Whitley
            4. Thomas  Whitley, born  1685?  in  Isle of  Wight  County, 
               Virginia (according to Morman records).
            5. William Whitley
            6. George Whitley, born 1688 (Morman records)
            7. John Whitley, of whom later
            8. Maddison Whitley
      John Whitley,  son of Thomas  Whitley and  Mary Street was  born in 
      Isle of Wight  County, Virginia and died there March  22, 1750. His 
      will is  there in Book  7, page 102.  He married Mary  ________ who 
      died in  Isle of Wight  County, Virginia  around July 1,  1766, for 
      that is  the date her  will was made.  It can  be found in  Book 7, 
      page 432. They had issue:
            1. George Whitley
            2. Thomas Whitley
            3. Nathan  Whitley,  married  (according  to  Morman  Church 
               records) Sarah Edwards and had issue:
                 1. Jesse Whitley
                 2. Elias Whitley
            4. Susannah Whitley
            5. Mary Whitley
            6. William Whitley, of whom later
            7. John Whitley
      William Whitley  was born in Isle  of Wight County,  Virginia about 
      1730 and died  there between 1791 and  1801. He was soldier  in the 
      American  Revolution. He  married Penelope  Turner,  a daughter  of 
      John  Turner   of  Isle  of   Wight  County.  Proof   of  William's 
      Revolutionary  War  Actions can  be  found  in the  Virginia  State 
      Library, Aud. Acc.  XXII, page 402: "September 11,  1784 to William 
      Whitley  for  special  duty performed  '21-3-46.'"  In  one  record 
      concerning  his  daughter  Martha,  he  is  listed  as  William  D. 
      Whitley. William and Penelope Whitley had issue:
            1. Randolph Whitley, of whom later
            2. Elisha Whitley, married Nancy Stallings, of whom later. 
            3. John Whitley
            4.  Martha Whitley,  born  1753 in  Isle  of  Wight Co.  Va., 
               married _______ Edwards.
            5. Sarah Whitley, married _______ Edwards.
            6. George Whitley,  married Elizabeth Davis in  Isle of Wight 
               County, Virginia on March 28, 1789.
            7. William  Whitley, born in  Isle of Wight  County, Virginia 
               in 1751, married Sarah Turner, of whom later.
      Randolph  Whitley,  son  of William  Whitley  and  Penelope  Turner 
      married  Tabitha. His  will is  recorded in  Isle of  Wight Co.  as 
      being made August 4, 1785 and probated December 22, 1785. Issue:
            1. Randolph Whitley
            2. Elisha Whitley
            3. Polly Whitley
            4. Betsey Davis Whitley
                               COUNTY, VIRGINIA
     Elisha  Whitley, son  of William  Whitley and  Penelope Turner  [see 
     above] was born in Isle of Wight  County, Virginia. Made his will in 
     that  county in  Book 16,  page 108,  January 25,  1822. He  married 
     Nancy  Stallings.  His  will mentions  also  Jacob  Turner,  William 
     Turner,  William Batten,  Elisha Whitley  Jr.,  William Whitley  and 
     John  Batten. Nancy's  will mentions  children also  (Book 18,  page 
     400, February 12, 1830). There is  also a grandaughter Lotty Whitley 
     mentioned who married a Joseph Parkerson. Issue:
            1. Elisha Whitley Jr., of whom later
            2. Peggy  Whitley, married Mr. _______  Carstaphen. According 
               to the  1860 Census of Isle  of Wight County,  Virginia, 
               page 81, number  629, she  was at the  age of  74 living  
               with one Nancy  Whitley  age  35,  William   Whitley,  age  
               19,  Frank Whitley, age 15, Richard Whitley,  age 10, and 
               James Whitley, age 7.
            3. Nancy Whitley
            4. Joseph Whitley
            5.  William Whitley  who left  Virginia. He  was also  called 
               "Willis Whitley.
            6. Winnifred Whitley
            7. Elizabeth Whitley who married _____ Stringfellow
     Elisha Whitley  Jr., son of Elisha  Whitley and Nancy  Stallings was 
     born in  Isle of Wight  County, Virginia in  1781. He died  there in 
     1852. Married twice. First to Nancy  _______, and secondly to Kesiah 
     Whitley, the  daughter of Jesse  Whitley (see marriage  records Book 
     page 454 of  Isle of Wight). His  will is recorded in  Book 25, page 
     70, January 19, 1851. Issue:
            1. Jesse Whitley,of whom later. 
            2. James Whitley
            3. William Whitley
            4. Sarah Whitley
            5. Margaret Whitley of whom later
      Margaret Whitley,  daughter of Elisha  Whitley Jr.  married William 
      Batten  of Isle  of Wight  Co. At  the  taking of  the 1850  Census 
      William Batten  was age 52 and  Margaret Whitley Batten was  30 the 
      following issue:
            1. William Batten, age 12
            2. Elizabeth Batten, age 10
            3. Junius Batten, age 6
            4. Martha F. Batten, age 4
            5. Antionette Batten, age 2
      Jesse Whitley,  son of Elisha  Whitley Jr.  born April 4,  1810 and 
      died July, 1866.  He married Mary Ann  Atkins who was born  in 1823 
      and died  December 10, 1863. She  was the daughter of  Moses Atkins 
      of Isle of Wight County. They were  married on January 7, 1845 with 
      Simon  Atkins  as  surety. Jesse  married  secondly  Georgianna  E. 
      _______. Jesse's  will is in Isle  of Wight County,  Virginia, Book 
      29, pages 173-176. The son George  T. Whitley was the administrator 
      of his father's will which was distributed October 2, 1865. Issue:
            1. George T. Whitley
            2. Elisha Whitley
            3. Leonard Hume Whitley , of whom later. 
            4. Jesse Whitley, [probably married Hattie C. _____]
            5. Emily Whitley
            6. Martha Whitley
            7. Mary Whitley
            8. Fannie Whitley
            9. Diannah Whitley
            10. Laura Whitley
      Leonard Hume Whitley  son of Jesse Whitley was born  On October 10, 
      1845 in Isle of  Wight Co. and died there in  September of 1915. On 
      August 2,  1868 he married Antionette  Eley, the daughter  of Capt. 
      William H.  Eley and Mary  Vellines. She was  born on May  10, 1842 
      and died  August 20,  1882. He married  secondly Mollie  L. Turner, 
      born September 1854.  Leonard H. Whitley served in  the War between 
      the States from December 20, 1863 until  the end of the war. He was 
      of Company A,  10th Va. Heavy Artillery. By his  wife Antionette he 
            1. Leonard Hume Whitley
            2. Elizabeth C. Whitley, born June 15, 1869.
            3. Viola G.  Whitley, born  April  10, 1871.  Married J.  M. 
               Darden and had a daughter:
                    1. Antionette Darden
            4. Ida E. Whitley, born July 14, 1873. 
            5. Mary A. Whitley, born September 29, 1875.
            6. Clinton R. Whitley, born December 28, 1877. 
            7. George Franklin Whitley, of whom later. 
      By his wife Mollie L. Turner Whitley, Leonard H. Whitley had issue:
            8. Homer L.  Whitley, born  August 1887  (according to  1900 
            9. Millard Turner  Whitley,  born  June 1889  (according  to 
               Census of 1890) and died May 18, 1953.
      George Franklin  Whitley, son of  Leonard Hume and  Antionette Eley 
      Whitley  was born  November  5, 1879  (the  Census says  September, 
      1880) and died  in 1942. He married  Eunice Minton who was  born in 
      Nansemond County, Virginia  and died in 1924. She  was the daughter 
      of  Claude  T.  Minton  of Nansemond  County  and  his  wife  Irene 
      Carpenter. They had issue:
            1. The Hon. George Franklin Whitley Jr., of whom later.
            2. Claude Minton Whitley, of whom later.
      The Hon.  George Franklin Whitley Jr.,  son of George  Franklin and 
      Eunice Minton  Whitley was born September  30, 1912. He  married on 
      October  9,  1937  in  Smithfield,   Virginia,  Alice  Rowell,  the 
      daughter of James R. Rowell and Grace Warren. They had issue:
            1. Lelia Brock Whitley, born September 3, 1943.
            2. Sue Warren Whitley, born July  29, 1947. Married Philip S. 
            Norton. Lived at  321 E. 43rd St.,  Apt. 812, NY NY  10017 as 
            of Nov., 1981.
            3. George Franklin Whitley, III. 
      Claude Minton  Whitley, son  of George  Franklin and  Eunice Minton 
      Whitley  was  born  December  2, 1914.  Married  Nancy  Peary,  the 
      daughter  of  (The  Hon.)  George   Peary,  one  time  Governor  of 
      Virginia. They lived in Richmond, Virginia.
                                COUNTY VIRGINIA
      William Whitley,  son of  William Whitley  and Penelope  Turner was 
      born  in Isle  of  Wight County,  Virginia  in  1751 [according  to 
      Morman Church  Records]. He died there  in 1816. His will  is there 
      to be  found in  Will Book 14;150.  He married on  July 8,  1790 in 
      Isle of Wight  County, Sarah, daughter of Thomas Turner  of Isle of 
      Wight (see Turner Family). They had issue:
            1. Francis  Whitley who  married Susan  Chapman, daughter  of 
               Benjamin Chapman of Isle of Wight, on December 27, 1814.
            2. Joel Whitley who married Holly Turner, and of whom later
            3. Daniel Whitley who married Nancy  Gale in Isle of Wight on 
               January 11, 1822.
            4. William  Whitley who married  Margaret A. Chapman  of whom 
            5. Elizabeth Whitley
      William Whitley,  son of William  Whitley and Sarah  Turner married 
      Margaret A. Chapman and had a daughter:
            1. Sarah  T. Whitley,  born March  16, 1865.  She married  on 
               April  29,  1886 in  Isle  of  Wight  County, to  Charles  H. 
      Joel Whitley,  son of William Whitley  and Sarah Turner was  age 66 
      at the  taking of  the 1850  Census of  Isle of  Wight County  (no. 
      478). According to that Census he was  born in Isle of Wight County 
      and died there  in August of 1850.  His will is there  Book 24:327. 
      He married  Holland (called "Holly"),  born 1802, daughter  of John 
      Turner of Isle  of Wight (see Turner Family). They  were married in 
      Isle of Wight  by John Livesay on  January 9, 1828. Joel  had first 
      married Polly Smith on  April 21, 1809 in the same  county by Isaac 
      Vellines. In the  1860 Census Holly was  aged 58 and was  living in 
      the home of  Lineas B. Edwards (age  27) and Nancy J.  Edwards (age 
      29), along  with Sinah [T.?] Edwards  (age 46), Robert  A. Edwards, 
      age 8, Arthur  Edwards, age 5, and  Betty B. Edwards, age  12. Joel 
      and Holly Turner Whitley had issue:
            1. John Franklin Whitley, of whom later
            2. Joel Whitfield Whitley, of whom later
            3. Mary A. Whitley, of whom later
            4. William Daniel Whitley, of whom later
            5. Catherine Whitley, of whom later
            6. Eliza Whitley, of whom later.
      John Franklin  Whitley, son  of Joel Whitley  and Holly  Turner was 
      born in Isle of  Wight County in January of 1829.  As of the Census 
      of 1850, he was  living in the town of Smithfield,  Virginia in the 
      same building  as Mary A. Wilkins,  born 1827 whom John  married on 
      January 5,  1852. John  Whitley married secondly  Ellen, age  36 in 
      the  1880  Census,  born  in  Nansemond  County,  Virginia  as  the 
      daughter  of Moses  Wilson  of Isle  of Wight  by  his second  wife 
      Elizabeth Joyner  who he married on  August 22, 1842,  having first 
      married Elizabeth  Jordan on  December 31,  1838. John  Whitley and 
      Ellen  were married  July  4, 1871.  John  Franklin  Whitley was  a 
      Carpenter by trade. According to the  1880 Census of Isle of Wight, 
      which incidentally  was taken by and  in the hand of  John Franklin 
      Whitley,  Ellen's mother  Elizabeth,  age 60,  and  brother in  law 
      William D.  Whitley, age 50, were  living with them.  John Franklin 
      and Mary A. Wilkins Whitley had issue:
            1. John Franklin Whitley Jr., born January 26, 1858
            2. Obadiah Jennings Whitley, of whom later
            3. Olivia K. Whitley, of whom later
            4. Eugenia Whitley, of whom later
            5. Mary A. Whitley, of whom later
            6. Joel Flournoy Whitley, of whom later
      By his wife Ellen Wilson, John Franklin Whitley had issue:
            7. Elizabeth Lee Whitley
            8. Josephine E. Whitley
      Obadiah Jennings Whitley,  son of John Franklin Whitley  was age 19 
      in the  1880 Census, therefore born  ca. 1861. He  married Margaret 
      (Maggie)  J.  Spratley,  the  daughter of  Simon  B.  Spratley  and 
      Margaret J. Norfleet  of Surry County, Virginia.  Margaret was born 
      December  9,  1861 and  died  October  22,  1895 according  to  her 
      tombstone  which  was  found  beside the  home  of  Joel  Whitfield 
      Whitley  at Surry  Courthouse (1978)  next door  to the  Surryhouse 
      Restaurant. The stone  was stored for a while  in Suffolk, Virginia 
      and later returned to St.  Paul's Church, Surry Courthouse. Obadiah 
      and Maggie Whitley had issue:
            1. Hinton C. Whitley
            2. Margaret May Whitley who married C. J. Joyner
      Olivia K. Whitley,  daughter of John Franklin Whitley was  age 1 in 
      the  1860 Census  and age  17 in  the  1880 Census,  there born  ca 
      1861-63.  She married  Archibald Sidney  Johnson of  Isle of  Wight 
      County and had issue:
            1. Eugie Maie Johnson, of whom later
            2. Ray Johnson, of whom later
            3. Selethia Ellen Johnson, of whom later
      Eugie Maie Johnson, daughter of Archibald  S. and Olivia K. Whitley 
      Johnson was born in  Isle of Wight County in 1893.  She married the 
      Hon. John William Massey and had issue:
            1. Eugie Maie Massey who never married.
            2. John William Massey Jr. who married and had:
               1. Patricia Alice Massey
               2. John William Massey III
               3. Mary Kathryn Massey
               4. Elizabeth Ann Massey
               5. Charles  Webster  Massey   of  "Buckeye,"  Mechanicsville, 
                  Virginia who married and had issue:
                    1. Kent Raley Massey
                    2. Karen Ann Massey
                    3. Sandra Lee Massey
      Ray Johnson,  son of  Archibald S. and  Olivia K.  Whitley Johnson, 
      was born  in Isle of  Wight County in  1883. He married  Mary Jones 
      and had a son:
            1. William Randolph Johnson
      Selethia  Ellen Johnson,  daughter of  Archibald S.  and Olivia  K. 
      Whitley  Johnson, was  born in  Isle  of Wight  County and  married 
      Callie Emily Luke and had issue:
            1. Hugh Riddick Luke
      Eugenia [W.] Whitley, born June, 1857, listed  as age 4 in the 1860 
      Census of Isle of  Wight, and age 16 in the  1870, was the daughter 
      of John Franklin  Whitley. She was married on November  22, 1877 by 
      the  Reverend  J.  Carson Watson  in  Trinity  Methodist  Episcopal 
      Church, Smithfield,  Virginia, to  William H.  Stephenson. She  was 
      married secondly  on November 28, 1895,  in the same church  by the 
      Reverend  William R.  Proctor to  William G.  Rouse, born  November 
      1834, died  1903, an undertaker of  Smithfield and son  of Mordecai 
      Booth Rouse  of King and Queen  County, Virginia by his  wife Marie 
      Rowe   of   Essex   County.    [Rouse   married   secondly   Martha 
      Archer(1841-1876), daughter  of David  Archer of  Nansemond County, 
      Mary A.  Whitley, daughter of John  Franklin Whitley was  listed in 
      the 1870 Census as age 5. She married Thomas Minson and had issue:
            1. Gaynell Minson who married Charles Hall and has issue:
                 1. Charles Greer Hall
                 2. Ann Hall  (by adoption) who married  (1) Walter Blair 
                    Harvey Jr. and had issue:
                         1. Walter Blair Harvey III  who married Frances and 
                              1. Walter Lee Harvey
                    Ann Hall married (2) Robert Gregory and had:
                              1. James Gregory
                              2. Charles Lee Gregory
                 3. Gaynell Hall (by adoption), died age 2.
      Elizabeth Lee Whitley,  daughter of John Franklin Whitley  age 5 in 
      the 1880 Census of Isle of  Wight, married first, Charles Moran and 
      had issue:
            1. Herman Moran  who married  (1)  Lucy _____  and (2)  Ruth 
            2. Claude Moran who died young
            3. Creecy Moran who died young
      Elizabeth Lee Whitley married secondly,  Frank Randolph Holland and 
      had issue:
            1. Frances Holland who married O. A. Bartley and had issue:
                 1. O. A. Bartley Jr.
                 2. Frances Bartley who married and had twin girls
           2. Jesse Lee Holland who married twice
      Josephine E. Whitley, age 7 in the  1880 Census was the daughter of 
      John Franklin  Whitley married twice,  first to Charles  Meyers and 
      secondly on  January 29, 1896 by  W. F. Hayes in  Trinity Methodist 
      Episcopal Church, Smithfield, Virginia, to  Jesse James Thomas, son 
      of William  H. Thomas of  Smithfield, Virginia. Jesse  was baptized 
      in  Trinity Church  by T.  McN. Simpson  on April  18, 1886.  "Aunt 
      Josie" lived  in Smithfield in  what had  once been the  city jail, 
      just in  back of the  old courthouse. It  was still standing  as of 
      Mary A. Whitley, daughter of Joel  Whitley and Holly Turner married 
      in Isle  of Wight County  to Richard  C. Edwards. According  to the 
      1860 Census (no.  84) se was 30  years old in 1860  and Richard was 
      35. Living with  them according to the 1860 Census  was also Daniel 
      D. Edwards age  38, and William D. Whitley, age  30, Mary's brother 
      "of unsound  mind" who would be  living with John  Franklin Whitley 
      in 1880  at age  50. Richard  C. and  Mary A.  Whitley Edwards  had 
            1. Robert C. Edwards, age 8 in 1860
            2. A. C. Edwards, age 7 in 1860
            3. Otelia B. Edwards, age 4 in 1860
            4. Marianne Edwards, age 4 in 1860
            5. Amanda Edwards, age 2 in 1860
            6. Sarah E. Edwards, age 6 months in 1860
      William Daniel  Whitley was age  20 in the  1850 Census, age  30 in 
      the  1860 Census  while  living with  his  sister  Mary A.  Whitley 
      Edwards, and  age 50  while living  with his  father John  Franklin 
      Whitley in 1880. He was listed as being "of unsound mind."
      Catherine  Whitley,  daughter  of Joel  Whitley  and  Holly  Turner 
      married William  W. Edwards of Isle  of Wight County.  According to 
      the 1850 Census  (no. 479) she was 37  and he 40 in  1850. They had 
            1. Ann E. Edwards, age 12 in 1850
            2. Richard H. Edwards, age 10 in 1850
            3. Benjamin F. Edwards, age 5 in 1850
      Eliza Whitley,  daughter of Joel  Whitley and Holly  Turner married 
      Zachariah Turner  of Isle of Wight  County. (see Turner  Family for 
      Joel Flournoy  Whitley, son  of John Franklin  Whitley and  Mary A. 
      Wilkins as born in Isle of Wight  County, Virginia on April 8, 1865 
      and died in Newport News, Virginia at  1:30AM on March 14, 1937. He 
      was buried  in Franklin, Virginia on  March 16, 1937.  Joel married 
      three  times, first  to  Lellie Wingfield  Moody,  the daughter  of 
      George Washington Lafayette Moody and  Margaret Jane Adams of Surry 
      County, Virginia,  secondly to Virginia  H. Peters on  December 27, 
      1905, and finally to Lizzie Lee Fowler on May 5, 1917. 
            Joel and  Lellie were  married on  October 5,  1887 in  Surry 
      County,  Virginia  by  the  Reverend  David  Barr,  priest  of  the 
      Episcopal Church  in Surry. Lellie has  born in Surry on  March 17, 
      1862 and  died in Wakefield, Virginia  on April 17, 1904.  Joel and 
      Lellie had issue:
            1. George Franklin Whitley, of whom later.
            2. Margaret Wilkerson Whitley, of whom later.
            3. Sidney Jennings Whitley, of whom later.
            4. Willard Flournoy Whitley, of whom later.
            5. Lulie Wingfield Whitley, of whom later.
            6. Joel  William Whitley,  born at  Surry, May  21, 1902  and 
            died May 27, 1903.
      By his  third wife Lizzie Lee  Fowler, Joel Flournoy Whitley  had a 
            7. Joel Whitfield Whitley 
      George Franklin Whitley, son of  Joel Flournoy and Lellie Wingfield 
      Moody Whitley was born at Surry  Courthouse on March 11, 1889, died 
      in  Suffolk, Virginia  on  March  26, 1961.  He  is  buried in  the 
      Whitley-Watson family plot at Cedar  Hill Cemetery in Suffolk (just 
      behind Riddick's  Folly). He  was married  on December  4, 1908  in 
      Wilmington, North Carolina  by the Reverend A. D.  McClure to Dolly 
      Ann Bell  Cross, the daughter of  McLloyd Bell (b. 1850),  a native 
      of Sampson  County and Alice  Nunalee Bell  (b. 1868), a  native of 
      Cumberland County,  and  the widow of Bennie Frank  Cross (died May 
      6, 1907,  age 21). Dolly was  born at Red Springs,  Robeson County, 
      North Carolina on  July 26, 1889 and  died on July 11,  1969. Dolly 
      was  living  in  Currie,  North  Carolina  just  before  they  were 
      married. Witnesses  at their  wedding were Mrs.  A. D.  McClure and 
      Mrs. M.  O. Callaway, both of  Wilmington. Dolly is buried  next to 
      her husband in Suffolk. They had issue:
            1.  Alice Wingfield  Whitley, born  in  Suffolk, Virginia  on 
            September 12, 1910  and died at 7:55  PM on June 15,  1971 at 
            her  home  at  117  Linden Avenue  in  Suffolk.  She  married 
            Shelley  Burch Watson  of Suffolk,  Virginia,  son of  Robert 
            Edward and Janie Inez Cobb Watson. Of whom later.
            2. Helen  Elizabeth Whitley, born  July 19, 1916  in Suffolk, 
            Virginia. She married  Claude Clifford Lilly Jr.,  the son of 
            Claude Clifford  and Ethel  Leonard Blood  Lilly of  Suffolk. 
            (see Lilly Family). Of whom later.
            3. George Franklin Whitley Jr.,  born in Suffolk, Virginia on 
            March 28,  1924. He married  Marjorie Eleanor Stiles  in Long 
            Beach, California on April 25, 1949. Of whom later.
      Margaret Wilkerson  Whitley, daughter of  Joel Flournoy  and Lellie 
      Wingfield Moody  Whitley was  born at  Surry Courthouse  on October 
      11, 1891. She  married Frank Morris Cobb, son of  William Mills and 
      Mary Darden  Cobb of  Southampton County,  Virginia. They  lived in 
      Franklin, Virginia.  They were  married on  October 27,  1909. They 
      had issue:
            1. William  Morris Cobb, who married  Martha Evans and  had a 
            daughter  Martha   Roberta  Cobb   who  married   Dr.  Edward 
            2. Frances Louise  Cobb who married James  Cornelius Roberts, 
            son of  James Cornelius  and Lucy  Bailey. James  C. Roberts, 
            Sr. was the  son of Nathaniel G. Roberts  and Adminta Oliver. 
            Lucy Bailey  was the  daughter of  Charles Washington  Bailey 
            and  Indiana  Virginia  Howell  of   Isle  of  Wight  County, 
            Virginia.  James C.  Roberts  and Lucy  Bailey  had also  had 
            issue, Charles  W. Roberts,  Harry Roberts,  Deborah Roberts, 
            and another sister _____Roberts who  married Ralph Woolard of 
            Richmond, Virginia. James C. Roberts  and Frances Louise Cobb 
            had issue a son 
                 1. James Cornelius Roberts III who married.
            3. Mary Elizabeth  Cobb who married Bernard  Blythe. They had 
                 1. Nancy  Cobb  Blythe,  born   November  25,  1944  in 
                    Richmond, Virginia. She married G. C. Litten
                 2. Margaret Crissie  Blythe,  born  July 1,  1948.  She 
                    married Robert Eubanks on July 18, 1969.
            4. Margaret Wingfield  Cobb, married  Calvin Rawls  Burgess. 
               They had issue
                 1. Ellen  Maxine  Burgess  who  married  William  Donny 
                 2. Myra Margaret Burgess who married Robert Burgess
                 3. Susan Gwynne Burgess
            5. Fay Linwood  Cobb who married Winifred  Earl Shelton. They 
               had issue
                 1. David Earl Shelton, born November 6, 1966
      Sidney Jennings Whitley, son of  Joel Flournoy and Lellie Wingfield 
      Moody Whitley  was born in  Surry on  October 23, 1893.  He married 
      Hilda, daughter of  Marcellus Draper on June 21,  1941. Sidney died 
      in Florida  on Monday, July  16, 19  ,  and was buried  in Roanoke, 
      Willard  Flournoy  Whitley,   son  of  Joel  Flournoy   and  Lellie 
      Wingfield Moody  Whitley was  born in  Surry on  July 25,  1896 and 
      died in March  of 1961 in Washington, D.C. He  married Helen Doetch 
      and had issue:
            1. Willard Flournoy  Whitley Jr. who married  Effie _____ and 
               had issue:
                 1. Susan Whitley
                 2. Sandra Whitley
            2. Helen Amanda  Whitley,  who married  Jack  Young and  had 
                 1. John Young
                 2. a daughter
      Lulie  Wingfield Whitley,  daughter  of  Joel Flournoy  and  Lellie 
      Wingfield Moody  Whitley was born  at Surry  on June 19,  1898, and 
      died on May  23, 1976. She married William Jesse  Roberts, a native 
      of  Eastville,  Virginia,  the  son  of  Henry  and  Mollie  Wilson 
      Roberts. At  his death Jesse was  a member of Orcut  Avenue Baptist 
      Church of  Newport News  and of the  Eastville Masonic  Lodge. They 
      lived  at 16  Charles Street  in Hampton,  Virginia. William  Jesse 
      Roberts died  at the age  of 69 in  Newport News, Virginia.  At his 
      death, Jesse had three sisters,  Mrs. Lawrence McKenny of Columbia, 
      Mrs.  Prentis  Ward of  Newport  News,  and  Mrs. Morgan  Birge  of 
      Arlington. Jesse was  buried from Lawrence B. Wood  Funeral Home by 
      the  Reverend  Lawrence  McKenny.  He   was  buried  in  Park  Lawn 
      Cemetery, Hampton, Virginia. Lulie and Jesse had issue:
            1. James W. Roberts who lived in  Newport News at the time of 
               his father's  death, and who  married Alma Robertson  and had 
                 1. Lulie Wingfield Roberts
                 2. James Roberts
                 3. David Roberts
                 4. Stephen Roberts
            2. William Jesse Roberts Jr., of  Seaford, at the time of his 
            father's death,  and who died  September 4, 1977.  He married 
            Faye _____ and had issue:
                 1. Carol Anne Roberts
            3. Thomas  Henry Roberts,  who was living  in Los  Angeles at 
            the time  of his father's death.  He married Alyce  _____ and 
            had issue:
                 1. Glenn Roberts (by adoption)
                 2. Diane Roberts
      Helen Elizabeth  Whitley, daughter of  George Franklin  Whitley and 
      Dolly Ann  Bell Cross Whitley  was born  July 19, 1916  in Suffolk, 
      Virginia. She married Claude Clifford Lilly  Jr., the son of Claude 
      Clifford  and Ethel  Leonard  Blood Lilly  of  Suffolk. Claude  and 
      Helen had one son,
            1. Dr.  Claude Clifford  Lilly III who  was born  in Atlanta, 
            Georgia on  June 9, 1946.  He married Laree  Eualvene Powell, 
            daughter of  James E.  and Eualvene  Feen Powell  of Cordele, 
            Georgia on July 5, 1969. They had issue:
                 1. Claude Whitley Lilly, born September 9, 1973
                 2. Kristina Jane Lilly, born April 4, 1977
      George Franklin  Whitley Jr.,  son of  George Franklin  Whitley and 
      Dolly  Ann Bell  Cross Whitley  was  born in  Suffolk, Virginia  on 
      March 28, 1924.  He married Marjorie Eleanor Stiles  in Long Beach, 
      California on April 25, 1949. They had issue:
            1. Cathy Jo Whitley, born 1950
            2. George Franklin Whitley III, born April 10, 1952
            3. Richard Whitley, born August, 1957
            4. Leonard Whitley, born February, 1961 
      Alice Wingfield  Whitley, daughter of  George Franklin  Whitley and 
      Dolly  Ann Bell  Cross Whitley  was  born in  Suffolk, Virginia  on 
      September 12, 1910 and died on June  15, 1971 at her home on Linden 
      Avenue  in  Suffolk. Shelley  Burch  Watson,  was born  in  Capron, 
      Virginia on October 28, 1907. Died  in Suffolk, Virginia, at Louise 
      Obici Memorial Hospital,  Suffolk, Virginia, at 8:35  P.M., Monday, 
      July 12, 1982.  He was buried on  Thursday, July 15, 1982  in Cedar 
      Hill Cemetery,  Suffolk. ["Burch"  was named  for a  friend of  his 
      father's,  Thaddeus  Augustus  Burch  (b.   St.  Mary's  County  in 
      Southern Maryland,  d. 1936  at 3410  Carlisle Ave,  Baltimore), an 
      oil man  of Baltimore,  Maryland. In  the Baltimore  City Directory 
      for 1930  it lists  Burch and  his wife  Annie (and  The Burch  Oil 
      Company)  living at  3408 Carlisle  Avenue. According  to the  1942 
      Directory, their son Thaddeus Joseph Burch  and his wife Frances J. 
      were  living next  door at  3408 Carlisle  Avenue. Thaddeus  Joseph 
      Burch died  on Wednesday, October 3,  1962 and was survived  by his 
      wife  Frances J.  Greenwell Burch,  sons The  Reverend Thaddeus  J. 
      Burch, S.J., of  Auriesville, New York, The Rev.  Francis F. Burch, 
      S.J.,  of Woodstock,  Maryland  (as of  1990  his  address was  St. 
      Joseph's  College,  5600 City  Avenue,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylavnia 
      19131), and Thomas  K. Burch of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,  and a sister 
      Mrs. Loretta  (James Vincent) Brooks  of Baltimore. She  was living 
      at her father's home  (They had a son, James Burch  Brooks, M.D. of 
      Baltimore [as  of 1990,  phone 301-435-9223].  At the  time of  his 
      death Thaddeus Joseph Burch was  of Leonardstown, Maryland]. At his 
      death, he  was retired  as Production  Manager of  Southgate Foods, 
      Norfolk,  Virginia and  Suffolk Masonic  Lodge  30. He  was also  a 
      Shriner. They were married at the  home of Alice's parents on Cedar 
      Street by  the Rev.  W. W. Staley  on June 14,  1929. They  had the 
      following children:
                        1. Dolly Bell Watson, of whom later.
                        2. The Reverend Shelley Burch  Watson Jr. of whom 
       Dolly Bell Watson,  daughter of Shelley Burch  and Alice Wingfield 
       Whitley Watson  was born  in Suffolk,  Virginia, January  7, 1931. 
       Married  Charles  Brosia   Carr  Jr.  of  Windsor,   Virginia,  in 
       Gatesville, North Carolina,  by The Reverend Thomas  A. Collins on 
       January 8,  1949. Charles was  born on  March 4, 1926  in Windsor, 
       Isle of  Wight County,  Virginia to Charles  Brosia Carr  (b. July 
       16, 1878, d.  Aug. 6, 1953) and  Dott Hingerty (b. Feb.  13, 1888, 
       d. Jan. 11, 1973). Dolly was confirmed  by The Rt. Rev. William A. 
       Brown,  in  Christ  Church (Episcopal),  Smithfield,  Virginia  on 
       December 6, 1959. They had one daughter and two sons:
            1. Dolly Watson Carr, of whom later
            2. William Love Carr, of whom later
            3. Charles Brosia Carr III, of whom later
      Dolly Watson  Carr, daughter  of Charles Brosia  Carr Jr  and Dolly 
      Bell  Watson  was  born in  Suffolk,  Virginia  (Lakeview  Clinic), 
      October 5,  1949. She married first  to Willie Hunter  Rountree Jr. 
      of Whaleyville,  Virginia, the  son of  Willie Hunter  Rountree and 
      Katherlene  Duke.  They  were  married  at  Main  Street  Methodist 
      Church, Suffolk,  Virginia at  4:00 P.M.  on August  23, 1969.  She 
      married secondly  Timothy Martin Eastwood  on December 27,  1974 in 
      Virginia Beach,  Virginia. Timothy Eastwood  was born July  5, 1941 
      in Grand  Rapids, Michigan; he was  the son of George  Eastwood and 
      Lura Macy.  She married thirdly, Michael  Chin, born June  25, 1956 
      in Flushing, New York, son of Edmund  Chin (b. Nov. 11, 1931 in New 
      York City),  and Jaylene  Young (born in  Flushing, New  York, July 
      30, 1934).  Michael and Dolly  presently live [1991]  in Baltimore, 
      Maryland. They had issue:
            1. Sarah Wingfield  Chin, born Ascension Day, May  9, 1991 in 
            Baltimore,  Maryland.  Baptized  at   the  Cathedral  of  the 
            Incarnation, Baltimore,  Maryland on Sunday, August  25, 1991 
            by  her great-uncle,  The Rev.  Shelley B.  Joel Watson.  The 
            Dean, The  Very Rev.  Vann Gardner  celebrated the  Eucharist 
            and assisted. 
      William   Love  Carr   [named  for   William   Love  Nunalee,   his 
      g-g-g-grandfather], son  of Charles Brosia  Carr Jr and  Dolly Bell 
      Watson  was  born  April  18,  1952  in  Suffolk,  Virginia  (Obici 
      Memorial Hospital which  was then just on the  outskirts of Suffolk 
      in Nansemond County.  He married Juel Frances  Barnes, the daughter 
      of James  Walter Barnes and Eva  Louise Johnson. They  were married 
      in Suffolk, Virginia. They had issue:
            1.  William  Love  Carr  Jr.,  born  September  19,  1972  in 
            Suffolk, Virginia  and baptized at  St. Mary's  Church (Roman 
            Catholic)  in Suffolk  on October  20,  1972. His  godparents 
            were  his aunt,  Dolly  Watson Carr  Rountree  and his  great 
            uncle, Brother Joel, SSF [Shelley Burch Watson Jr.].
            2. David  Brosia Carr, born in  Suffolk, Virginia at  6:30 AM 
            on Monday, February 9, 1976. 
      William Love Carr married secondly on  June 11, 1977 to Brenda Gail 
      Atkinson, the  daughter of  Elbert Wilson  Atkinson, Sr.,  and Lucy 
      Mae Jones  of Isle of  Wight County,  Virginia. Brenda was  born on 
      March 15, 1957 in Suffolk, Virginia. William and Brenda had issue:
            3. Eric Justin  Carr, born in Suffolk,  Virginia on September 
            21, 1979.
            4. Krystal Love Carr, born January 12, 1983. 
      William  Love Carr  married  thirdly to  Wanda  Yvonne Chapman  nee 
      Davenport,  born May  7, 1949  in Columbia,  Tyrrell County,  North 
      Carolina, the daughter of Lewis  Everett Davenport (born in Manteo, 
      North  Carolina)  and  Matilda  Maxine  Spear  (born  in  Creswell, 
      Washington  Co., North  Carolina). By  her first  marriage to  John 
      Joseph  Chapman,  born  Dennison  but   took  the  surname  of  his 
      step-father, Wanda had  two sons, John Joseph Chapman  Jr., born in 
      Pontiac,  Michigan on  March 17,  1974 and  Jeffrey Heath  Chapman, 
      born February  20, 1976  in Edenton,  North Carolina.  As of  1992, 
      they live in Gates, North Carolina.
      Charles Brosia Carr,  III, son of Charles Brosia Carr  Jr and Dolly 
      Bell Watson was born January 5,  1962 in Suffolk, Virginia (Obici). 
      He was  baptized by the Rev.  Dr. Taylor Willis, Rector  of Newport 
      Parish in St. Luke's Church, Newport  Parish, Isle of Wight County, 
      Virginia on February 24, 1962. His  godparents were Rodham T. Delk, 
      Esq. and his  wife Evelyn Delk of Smithfield,  Virginia, and A.E.S. 
      Stephens of  Smithfield, Lt. Governor  of Virginia.  Married Vickie 
      Lee Dean who was born October  31, 1964 in Salisbury, Maryland, the 
      daughter  of Barbara  Jean Kellam  [born  in Ansonia,  Connecticut, 
      June 29, 1944], daughter of Cecil  Kellam and Anna Marie _____, and 
      Victor Lee Dean,  born in Salisbury, Maryland,  September 22, 1940, 
      son  of Victor  McClean  Dean and  Rose  Anne  Duck. [Barbara  Jean 
      Kellem had first  married Ronald Sterling and had  a daughter Maria 
      Mae Sterling who  married Robert Manning Wise].  Charles and Vickie 
      live in Suffolk, Virginia. They had issue:

          1. Charles Brosia Carr, IV, born Suffolk, Virginia.                  

      The Rev. Shelley  Burch Watson Jr., son of Shelley  Burch and Alice 
      Wingfield Whitley  Watson was  born November  16, 1944  in Toronto, 
      Ontario,  Canada. He  was baptized  on April  6, 1958  by the  Rev. 
      George Samuel Lightener  at Main Street Methodist  Church, Suffolk, 
      Virginia, and  confirmed by the Rt.  Rev. William A.  Brown, Bishop 
      of Southern  Virginia at  Trinity Church,  Portsmouth, Virginia  on 
      May  30, 1965.  Mrs.  Richard (Mildred)  Savedge  was his  sponsor. 
      Mildred was a member  of the parish and of the  family. Shelley was 
      ordained a  Deacon on Saturday, June  26, 1976 at  Grace Cathedral, 
      San Francisco,  California by the  Rt. Rev. Chauncey  Kilmer Myers, 
      Bishop  of  California.  The  Rt.  Rev.  Richard  Millard  was  the 
      examinor at the service as well  as con-celebrant. Shelley and nine 
      other  ordinands were  deacons at  the Eucharist.  He was  ordained 
      Priest  on  The Feast  of  St.  Barnabas,  June  11, 1977  in  Holy 
      Innocents Church,  San Francisco  by the  Rt. Rev.  Chilton Powell, 
      Retired  Bishop  of  Oklahoma  for the  Bishop  of  California.  He 
      celebrated  the Eucharist  for  the first  time  on  the next  day, 
      Sunday  June 27,  1977 at  Holy Innocents  Church where  he was  an 
      assistant minister.  Shelley married  in Greenpoint,  Brooklyn, New 
      York, September 5, 1981 to Margaret  Hambly, born March 14, 1956 in 
      Berkeley,  California, the  daughter of  Alvin  Sargent Hambly  and 
      Joan Bailey of Berkeley, California. They have no children. 
      Joel Whitfield  Whitley, the son of  Joel and Holly  Turner Whitley 
      was born in  Isle of Wight County  in 1835 and died  April 13, 1898 
      in  Newport News,  Virginia.  He married  on  August  1, 1878,  May 
      Florence Spratley, the  daughter of Simon B.  Spratley and Margaret 
      Norfleet  of Surry  County.  May  was born  in  Surry  and died  on 
      September 7, 1916 in Newport  News, Virginia. May Florence Spratley 
      Whitley  married  secondly  M.  E. Morris.  As  a  Lieutenant  Joel 
      Whitfield Whitley  was wounded in the  shoulder in the  War Between 
      the States  at Fort  Stephens on May  14, 1864.  He lived  at Surry 
      Courthouse  next  door  to  what   is  now  (1991)  the  Surryhouse 
      Restaurant. Joel and Florence had issue:
            1. Creighton Whitley, d. August 3, 1894
            2. Effie Whitley  who  married  William Clark,  
               Commonwealth Attorney for Isle of Wight County, Virginia
            3. Joseph  Whitley, born  1882.  "Joe"  was Mayor  of  Coral 
               Gables, Florida. He married Frances  O'Brien in 1943. He 
               died in Coral Gables without issue.
            4. Jewel Whitley who married  _____ Falconer of Newport News, 


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