Hingerty Family of Virginia

U.S.S. Constellation, Alfred Hingerty, Boatswain
U.S.S. Constellation, Alfred Hingerty, Boatswain
The Hingerty Family




Isle of Wight Counties,


by Joel Watson

          For several generations  it has been the  family tradition that 
     Alfred Hingerty came  to Virginia "from New  Hampshire." And indeed, 
     according to the  Isle of Wight County Census of  1880 Alfred's son, 
     Alfred D.  Hingerty, lists  his father  as having  been born  in New 
     Hampshire. And  indeed in  the Nansemond  County, Virginia  Marriage 
     Register,  Alfred   D.  Hingerty   gives  his   own  birthplace   as 
     "Kitrymain, New Hampshire."  But there never has  been a "Kitrymain, 
     New Hampshire." But  on the line between Maine and  New Hampshire is 
     the naval town of Kittery, Maine.  Chances are, that Alfred Hingerty 
     was born  in Kittery,  New Hampshire  before Maine  became a  State. 
     Nevertheless,  the  Hingerty   family  did  not  origniate   in  New 
     Hampshire, but Virginia .
          Luckily  for his  descendents, Alfred  Heckel Hingerty  married 
     again as a widower,  at the age of 65 in  Nansemond County, Virginia 
     [Marriage  Register,  p.  30,  November 18,  1872]  and  listed  his 
     parents as William and Hannah  Hingerty of Loudoun County, Virginia. 
     And indeed there in  the 1820 Census of that county  we find William 
     Hingerty. Since there is not one  Hingerty listed in the 1790 Census 
     of Virginia, chances  are that he came to Virginia  between 1790 and 
     1820, from whence, I do not know.  Hence, we begin the study of this 
     family with,
          William Hingerty of  Loudoun County, Virginia in  1820, married 
     Hannah, and had a son,
          Alfred  Heckel  Hingerty,  born ca.  1807  in  Loudoun  County, 
     Virginia. He  died July  27, 1875. According  to Ella  Dott Hingerty 
     Carr, his first  wife was Nellie [Ellen] Wright, the  mother I would 
     presume of his  children. She is probably the "Ellen"  listed as the 
     mother on all  of the children's marriage records.  She was probably 
     called "Nellie"  or it is possible  that Mrs. Carr was  incorrect as 
     to the first name.  At the death of Ellen Wright, and  at the age of 
     65  Alfred Heckel  Hingerty married  secondly  in Nansemond  County, 
     Virginia on November 18, 1872, a  widow of Mathews County, Virginia, 
     Mrs. Elizabeth Arrington,  age 36. The ceremony was  conducted by D. 
     R. Duval. 
          In Nansemond County Will Book 3,  page 25, the Inventory of the 
     Estate  Settlement of  Alfred Heckel  Hingerty  taken September  22, 
     1875, mentions  him as "deceased" in  1875 and mentions his  wife in 
     1875 as Elizabeth [Arrington]. It lists his children as:
          Hannah C. Hingerty, wife of Justin Turner,
          William A. Hingerty, 
          Charles D. Hingerty, 
          Mary C. Hingerty, wife of George W. Saunders, 
          Martha W. Hingerty, wife of C.[assie] B.[ianco] Johnson, 
          Frances Ellen Hingerty, 
          Alfred D. Hingerty, 
          Thomas J[efferson] Hingerty, and
          George W[ashington] Hingerty.
          Nansemond County  Order Book 3, p.  50 and 288  (November 1877) 
     mentions  orphans under  18  of Alfred  H.  Hingerty  as Alfred  D., 
     Frances Ellen,  Thomas Jefferson,  and George  Washington. In  Order 
     Book 4, p. 370, the same list  appears but has Thomas R. Hingerty as
     brother to George Washington Hingerty and  son of Alfred H. Hingerty
     listed in  place of Thomas J.  Hingerty. Hence, Thomas began  to use
     the name "Rice" sometime between 1875 and 1877.
          Ellen, wife of  Alfred Heckel Hingerty died  between January 1,
     1870 and December 5,  1871, for in Nansemond County Deed  Book 2, p.
     236, we  find a  deed dated 1  Jan 1870 "between  A. H.  Ashburn and
     Sarah C. his wife and Sarah A.  Holloway, widow , of the first part,
     and Mrs. Ellen Hingerty, wife of  Alfred Hingerty of the other part"

     and then  in Deed Book  3, p. 11,  "I Alfred Hingerty  of Chuckatuck
     township....love to heirs of Ellen Hingerty."

          I. Hannah C. Hingerty,  daughter of Alfred Heckel  Hingerty and
             Ellen married Justin Turner.

          II.     William A. Hingerty
          III.    Charles D. Hingerty
          IV.     Mary  Cornelia  Hingerty.  According  to  the  Marriage 
     Register of  Nansemond County, Virginia,  she is listed  as Annimica 
     Cornelia Hingerty,  yet according  to Will  Book B,  page 25  of the 
     same county,  she Mary C. Hingerty  wife of George W.  Saunders, the 
     daughter  of  Alfred  and  May  Hingerty  and  born  in  Portsmouth, 
     Virginia in  1847. On November 23,  1871 at the  age of 24 and  as a 
     widow, she George W. Saunders, age 39,  a widower, son of Joseph and 
     Mary Saunders.  They were  married in Nansemond  County by  Isaac V. 
     [P.?] Luke.  Since her  mother is  listed as  "May," perhaps  Alfred 
     Heckel Hingerty  had married  a "May"  before he  married Ellen,  or 
     perhaps Ellen's  name was  May Ellen  or Ellen  May. This  should be 
          V.      Martha W.  Hingerty, daughter  of Alfred  H. and  Ellen 
     Hingerty was born in May of 1859.  She married on August 30, 1877 in 
     Isle of Wight County, Virginia,  Casabianca Johnson, b. February 16, 
     1859, son of Mills Maddison Johnson  and Nancy Wyche Watkins of Isle
     of Wight County,  Virginia. [For some reason her  parents are listed
     on the marriage record as Albert  and Nancy Hingerty, but this could
     not be when she  is expressly listed as daughter of  Ellen by Alfred
     and as  wife of C.  B. Johnson in  1875. Something is  strange about
     the  dates also.  My  guess is  that Ellen's  name  was Nancy  Ellen
     Wright  Hingerty. As  of the  Census of  1900 (June)  they had  been
     married 22 years, and had nine children,  six of whom were living in
     1900, namely,
          A. George T. Johnson, born October 1884,
          B. Casabianco Johnson (male), born September, 1887
          C. Sallie W. Johnson, born March 1890,
          D. Madison B. Johnson, born November, 1893
          E. Nellie W[right?] Johnson, born September 1895.
          VI.     Frances  Ellen  Hingerty,  daughter  of  Alfred  Heckel 
     Hingerty and  Ellen, and  twin to  Alfred D.  Hingerty, was  born in 
     Kitrymain,  New  Hampshire [since  her  twin  brother was  (but  her 
     marriage  record  says  Portsmouth,   Virginia)]  October  13,  1862 
     (According to family notes in the  possession of Mrs. J. Ralph Hobbs 
     of  Suffolk, Virginia  in 1979).  She  died November  12, 1938.  She 
     married twice. First to Nathaniel E.  Williams, on February 3, 1881, 
     by E. W. Beale in Nansemond County.  He was born December 1, 1852 in 
     Nansemond  County,  Virginia,  the  son  of  Hugh  K.  Williams  and 
     Emmeline ______. Nathaniel died on March 16, 1886. 
          By Nathaniel Williams she had issue:
          A. Henly Williams who married and had issue:
             1.   Henly Williams
             2.   Mae Williams
             3.   Howard Williams
          B. Jesse Williams who married _____ and had:
             1.   Jesse Williams Jr.
             2.   Eleanor Williams
             3.   Nell Williams
          Frances Ellen  Hingerty Williams married secondly,  John Morgan 
     Powell,  born May  13,  1863  and died  January  26,  1910. By  this 
     marriage she had issue:
             1.   Fannie Mae Powell who married _____ Tadlock
             2.   Allie Powell who married Helen Boggs
             3.   Nellie Powell who married Percy Pierce and had a son,
                  a.   Gibson Pierce of Suffolk, Virginia
             4.   Chesley Powell who married Balzora Boyce
          VII.    Alfred  D.  Hingerty,  son  of   Alfred  H.  and  Ellen 
     Hingerty,  and   twin  to  Frances   Ellen  Hingerty  was   born  in 
     "Kitrymain[e], New Hampshire October 13,  1862. On December 19, 1883 
     at the age of 22 years and 2  months he was married in Isle of Wight 
     Coutny, Virginia by Z. A. Post to  Sallie Lee Roberts, age 15 years, 
     9 months,  and 3 days,  daughter of Mills  W. Roberts and  Sarah his 
     wife. Alfred and Sallie had issue:
          A. Callie Hingerty
          B. Hurley Hingerty,  born November 11,  1888, died  October 28, 
          1966. who married  on December 12, 1908, Alice  Lee Smith, born 
          June 13, 1892 and had:
             1.   Sallie Lee Hingerty, born November 20, 1909, died      
             April 3, 1960. She married Richard Bowles and had a         
                  a.   Betty Ann Bowles, born March 1, 1944. She         
                  married Charlie Childress.
             2.   Mills H. Hingerty who married  (1) Elizabeth Horton and 
             had a son:
                  a.   Mills H. Hingerty Jr.
             Mills H. Hingerty married (2) Edith _____ and had issue:
                  b.   Randy Hingerty
                  c.   Becky Hingerty
             3.   Clinton Hingerty who married Addie Johnson and         
                  had issue:
                  a.   Sandra Kay Hingerty
                  b.   Alfred Hingerty
          C. Leatha Hingerty 
          Alfred D. Hingerty  was married secondly by the  Reverend H. H. 
     Butler on November  29,1899, to Ada Virginia  [Jenny, Jennie] Pruden 
     in Nansemond  County, Virginia.  At the  time of  the marriage  both 
     were  living  in  that  county. According  to  the  county  marriage 
     records  he was  at the  time a  widower, aged  37, born  Kitrymain, 
     N.H., son of Alfred Hingerty and  Elizabeth [sic] his wife. Virginia 
     was age 23, single, born in  Nansemond County, the daughter of Mills 
     (1808-1888)  and Mary  Archer  Pruden  of Nansemond  County.  [Mills 
     Pruden married  first to Sallie or  Sarah Pruden, b.  1814; secondly 
     to _____  Eley and thirdly  to Mary A. Archer  by whom he  had issue 
     Della Pruden who  married Josiah Price and Ada  Virginia who married 
     Alfred D. Hingerty]. By Ada Virginia, Alfred had issue:
          D. Mary Ellen Hingerty who married Charlie William Smith
          E. Leone Hingerty who married _____ Powell
          F. Trixie Hingerty
          IIX.    Thomas (Jefferson) Rice Hingerty,  son of Alfred Heckel 
     Hingerty and Ellen was  born in April, 1865. As of  the 1880 Census, 
     he was living in the Windsor District  with the B. C. Roberts family 
     as an "adopted child" (p. 310, no.1).  He was married by J. F. Deans 
     December 29, 1886 to Margaret Sarah  Johnson, born November 17, 1866 
     in  Isle of  Wight  County, Virginia,  died,  January  5, 1950,  the 
     daughter of Mills Maddison Johnson and  Nancy Wiche Watkins They had 
          A. Ella Dott Hingerty, born February 13, 1888, died January    
             11, 1973. She married Charles Brosia Carr, born July 16,    
             1878 and died August 6, 1953. They are both buried in       
             Suffolk, Virginia. They lived in Windsor, Virginia and had  
             two children:
             1.   Bertram Elvin Carr who married Mary Withers and had a  
             daughter Withers Carr who married _______.
             2.   Charles Brosia Carr Jr., born in Windsor, Virginia,    
             March 4, 1926. He married Dolly Bell Watson, born in        
             Suffolk, Virginia on January 7, 1931, daughter of           
             Shelley Burch Watson and Alice Wingfield Whitley. They      
             were married in Elizabeth City, North Carolina on           
             January 8, 1949. They had three children: 
                  a.   Dolly  Watson  Carr,  born  in  Suffolk,  Virginia 
                  (Lakeview Clinic),  October 5, 1949. She  married first 
                  to   Willie  Hunter   Rountree   Jr.  of   Whaleyville, 
                  Virginia,  the  son  of   Willie  Hunter  Rountree  and 
                  Katherlene  Duke.  They  were married  at  Main  Street 
                  Methodist  Church, Suffolk,  Virginia at  4:00 P.M.  on 
                  August 23,  1969. She  married secondly  Timothy Martin 
                  Eastwood  on  December  27,  1974  in  Virginia  Beach, 
                  Virginia. Timothy  Eastwood was  born July  5, 1941  in 
                  Grand  Rapids,  Michigan;  he was  the  son  of  George 
                  Eastwood and  Lura Macy.  She married  thirdly, Michael 
                  Chin, born June 25, 1956 in  Flushing, New York, son of 
                  Edmund Chin  (b. Nov. 11, 1931  in New York  City), and 
                  Jaylene Young  (born in  Flushing, New  York, July  30, 
                  1934).  Michael  and  Dolly presently  live  [1990]  in 
                  Baltimore, Maryland. Issue:
                       Sarah Wingfield  Chin, born Ascension Day,  May 9, 
                       1991  in  Baltimore,  Maryland.  Baptized  at  the 
                       Cathedral of the  Incarnation, Baltimore, Maryland 
                       on  Sunday, August  25, 1991  by her  great-uncle, 
                       The Rev.  Shelley B.  Joel Watson.  The Dean,  The 
                       Very Rev.  Vann Gardner  celebrated the  Eucharist 
                       and assisted.
                  b.   William  Love   Carr  [named   for  William   Love 
                  Nunalee, his  g-g-g-grandfather], born  April 18,  1952 
                  in  Suffolk, Virginia  (Obici  Memorial Hospital  which 
                  was then just on the  outskirts of Suffolk in Nansemond 
                  County. He  married Juel  Frances Barnes,  the daughter 
                  of James  Walter Barnes  and Eva  Louise Johnson.  They 
                  were married in Suffolk, Virginia. They had issue:
                       (1) William Love Carr Jr., born September 19,     
                       1972 in Suffolk, Virginia and baptized at St.     
                       Mary's Church (Roman Catholic) in Suffolk on      
                       October 20, 1972. His godparents were his aunt,   
                       Dolly Watson Carr Rountree and his great uncle,   
                       Brother Joel, SSF [Shelley Burch Watson Jr.].
                       (2) David Brosia Carr, born in Suffolk, Virginia  
                       at 6:30 AM on Monday, February 9, 1976. 
                  William Love Carr married secondly  on June 11, 1977 to 
                  Brenda  Gail Atkinson,  the daughter  of Elbert  Wilson 
                  Atkinson,  Sr., and  Lucy Mae  Jones of  Isle of  Wight 
                  County, Virginia. Brenda was born  on March 15, 1957 in 
                  Suffolk, Virginia. William and Brenda had issue:
                       (3) Eric Justin Carr, born in                     
                       Suffolk, Virginia on September 21, 1979.
                       (4) Krystal Love Carr, born January 26, 1983. 
                  b.   William Love Carr married  thirdly to Wanda Yvonne 
                  Chapman nee  Davenport, born May  7, 1949  in Columbia, 
                  Tyrrell County,  North Carolina, the daughter  of Lewis 
                  Everett Davenport (born in  Manteo, North Carolina) and 
                  Matilda  Maxine  Spear (born  in  Creswell,  Washington 
                  Co., North  Carolina). By  her first  marriage to  John 
                  Joseph Chapman, born  Dennison but took the  surname of 
                  his  step-father,  Wanda  had  two  sons,  John  Joseph 
                  Chapman Jr.,  born in  Pontiac, Michigan  on March  17, 
                  1974 and Jeffrey Heath Chapman,  born February 20, 1976 
                  in Edenton,  North Carolina. As  of 1992, they  live in 
                  Gates, North Carolina.
                  c.   Charles Brosia Carr, III, born  January 5, 1962 in 
                  Suffolk, Virginia (Obici). He was  baptized by the Rev. 
                  Dr.  Taylor Willis,  Rector of  Newport  Parish in  St. 
                  Luke's Church,  Newport Parish,  Isle of  Wight County, 
                  Virginia  on February  24,  1962.  His godparents  were 
                  Rodham  T.  Delk, Esq.  and  his  wife Evelyn  Delk  of 
                  Smithfield,   Virginia,   and    A.E.S.   Stephens   of 
                  Smithfield, Lt.  Governor of  Virginia. Married  Vickie 
                  Lee Dean  who was born  October 31, 1964  in Salisbury, 
                  Maryland,  the   daughter  of   Barbara  Jean   Kellam, 
                  daughter of Cecil Kellam and  Anna Marie _____, born in 
                  Ansonia,  Connecticut, June  29,  1944  and Victor  Lee 
                  Dean, son  of Victor McClean  Dean and Rose  Anne Duck, 
                  born  in  Salisbury,  Maryland,   September  22,  1940. 
                  [Barbara Jean Kellem had  first married Ronald Sterling 
                  and  had a  daughter  Maria  Mae Sterling  who  married 
                  Robert  Manning  Wise].  Charles  and  Vickie  live  in 
                  Suffolk, Virginia.
          B. Bertram  Rice Hingerty,  born May,  1890. Married  Charlotte 
                         Britt and had issue:
             1.   Margaret Anna Hingerty who married Sheril Marshall.    
             They had issue:
                  a.   Kenneth Sheril Marshall of Windsor, Virginia
                  b.   Bertram Chester Marshall of Windsor, Virginia
          C. Otis J. Hingerty, born May 1894. 
                        a.      Otis Hingerty, Jr.
                        b.      Dorothy Hingerty
                        c.      Lula Mae Hingerty
          IX.     George  Washington  Hingerty,  son   of  Alfred  Heckel 
     Hingerty and Ellen.


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