Cobb Family of Isle of Wight & Southampton Counties, Virginia

The Cobb Family

of Isle of Wight


Southampton Counties, Virginia

by Joel Watson


       1. Joseph Cobb b. 1588, m. _____ _____.  Joseph died 1654.


           2.     i Pharoah Cobb b. 1624.

                                   Second Generation

       2. Pharoah Cobb b. 1624, m. _____ _____.  Pharoah died 1701.  Pharoah

       Cobb was probably the son of Joseph Cobb and his wife Elizabeth Flinton

       of Isle of Wight Co., Va., who as of 1611 had a son Joseph Cobb who had

       been born in 1588 and died in 1654. 

      [For a  full story  of the Cobbs,  see The  Cobbs of  Tidewater, by
      Bruce Montgomery Edwards,  The Montgomery Publishing Co.,  P.O. Box
      5504, Knoxville, TN, 37918, published in  1976. His address is 6203
      Mount Park  Drive, Knoxville  TN, 37918,  and his  phone number  is
      Pharoah Cobb, born 1624, died 1701, who had issue,
            1.  Edward  Cobb  who  was born  in  Isle  of  Wight  County, 
            Virginia ca. 1662. He had issue, 
                 1. Edward Cobb who married Dorothy
                 2. Sarah Cobb, born in England
                 3. Mary Cobb, born in England
                 4. Nicholas Cobb, of whom later.
            2. [probably one] mariner between  Virginia and England named 
            Nicholas Cobb  who died in Isle  of Wight County in  1686 who 
            received a land  grant of 202 acres in Isle  of Wight County, 
            Virginia  dated  February  21,  1663,  "for  transport  of  5 
            persons: Susan Cobb, Sr., Mary Cobb,  Susan Cobb Jr. and Jane 
            Cobb and Jane Howard." This Nicholas  Cobb and Susan his wife 
            were paid by  James Manning and Thomas Davis  both said (Isle 
            of Wight)  County... land  called Rattlesnake  Neck and  John 
            Crew's plantation  to George Bell--  to Thomas  Tooke. Teste, 
            Walter Johnson" (Will  & Deed Book I, 1664.  One Samuel Davis 
            appointed Nicholas Cobb his attourney  for lanfds etc in Isle 
            of Wight  23 July 1667 (Will & Deed Book I).
      Nicholas  Cobb of  Nottoway Parish,  Southampton County,  Virginia, 
      son of Edward (b.  ca. 1662), was the eldest son  and heir.  He was 
      born  in  Isle of  Wight  County,  Virginia  in  1689 and  died  in 
      Southampton  County, Virginia  in  1756 [Will  made  May 24,  1752, 
      proved November 11, 1756 in  Southampton County (Will Book 1:208)]. 
      He had issue
            1. Samuel Cobb
            2. Deborah Cobb
            3. William Cobb, who according to  the will of his father had 
            a son William Cobb.
            4. Nicholas Cobb
            5. Henry Cobb
            6. Lazarus Cobb, of whom later
      Lazarus Cobb,  son of  Nicholas Cobb(d. 1756),  was born  ca. 1730, 
      and died  died in Southampton County,  Virginia in 1800. He married 
      Chasey Edwards  of Southampton  County (her  will is  in Will  Book 
      11:486)  on June  17,  1789. They  were  married  by the  Reverened 
      George Gurley. They had issue
            1. Nicholas Cobb of Southampton County of whom later
            2. Mildred Cobb
            3. Lazarus Cobb
            4. Josiah Cobb
            5. Benjamin Cobb
            6. William Cobb
            7. Frederick Cobb, of whom later
      Nicholas Cobb, son  of Lazarus and Chasey Edwards  Cobb, married on 
      January 21,  1801, Mason  Gardner of  Southampton County.  Nicholas 
      died in  Southampton in 1837, leaving  a will which is  recorded in 
      Book 11:544. Nicholas and Mason Cobb had issue
            1. Jethro Cobb, of whom later
            2. Susannah Cobb
            3. Unity Cobb
            4. Barbara Cobb
            5. Nicholas E. Cobb
            6. John M[ason?]. Cobb
            7. Alfred Cobb,  who is buried at  Sycamore Church, Franklin, 
            Southampton County, Virginia   
      Jethro Cobb,  son of  Nicholas and Mason  Cobb, was  age 44  in the 
      1850 Census of  Southampton Co., Va. He died December  27, 1885. On 
      March 8, 1831 he married (with  the consent of mother "Tempy") Mary 
      Vaughn, daughter of  Henry Vaughn and Temperance  Wills (who would, 
      at the death of Henry would  marry James Harcum), daughter of James 
      Wills of  Southampton Co. Mary  Vaughn Cobb  is listed in  the 1850 
      Census as "Martha." She died on May  15, 1877. Jethro and Mary Cobb 
      had issue
            1. William Mills Cobb, of whom later
            2. Henry  Vaughn Cobb,  born 1832, died  January 5,  1877. He 
            married  Caroline  Fannie  _____,  died  of  the  measles  in 
            Southampton  County on  April 29,  1869  according to  County 
            Death Records. According  to her gravestone, she  was born in 
            1839. They had issue a daughter
                 1. Martha L.  Cobb, died two days after  her mother, May 
                 1, 1869 of  the measles in Southampton  County, Virginia 
                 according to County Death Records.
            3. Martha Cobb, who married (1)  Thomas Atwell and (2) Lemuel 
            T. Joyner
            4. Emmaline  Cobb, who  married George W.  Cobb. They  had an 
            un-named daughter who  died in Southampton County  at the age 
            of one day in February of 1870.
            5. Annie Maria Cobb  who was born on April 30,  1849 and died 
            April 4, 1925. She married  Julius Kincaid Fox, born February 
            28, 1844 and died December 10, 1919. They had issue
                 1. Prince Albert Fox
                 2. Patsey Fox
                 3. Jethro Ward Fox
                 4. Essie Fox, who married  Edward Burton Seabron, son of 
                 Essie's aunt Anne Fox and Christopher C. Seabron
                 5. Mabel Gertrude Fox who married Sam Edwards
                 6.  June   Wallace  Fox   (see  Fox   Family  for   more 
            6. Robert James  Cobb, who married Dora Gay  Fox, daughter of 
            Ezekiel Fox and  Mary Jane Prince (see Fox  Family). They had 
                 1. Laura  ["Lottie"] Drewry  Cobb of  Norfolk, Virginia, 
                 who  was  named  for  Emmett Drewry.  She  was  born  in 
                 Southampton  County  and  died  in  a  nursing  Home  in 
                 Suffolk, Virginia in June of 1966  at the age of 84. She 
                 married _____  Elliott. According to  her obituary  in a 
                 Norfolk paper dated  June 19, 1966, she was  a member of 
                 Thomas   Memorial   Baptist   Church   of   Drewryville, 
                 Virginia, the  Ladies Bible  Class of  Millfield Baptist 
                 Church of  Ivor, Virginia, the  National Council  of the 
                 Daughters of America, Edgewater  Chapter 27, of Norfolk, 
                 Virginia.  She was  survived by  her  twin sister,  Mrs. 
                 Robert J.  Amory of Norfolk.  Her funeral was  held June 
                 19 at 4  PM at the Drewryville Cemetery  by The Reverend 
                 J.  L. McTeer  and the  Reverend Daniel  Spenn. She  was 
                 buried   from   Puriviance  Funeral   Home,   Wakefield, 
                 2. Walter Ernest Cobb
                 3. Charlie Everett Cobb
                 4. Mary Jane Cobb
                 5.  Mattie Lankford  Cobb, named  for  the Reverend  Mr. 
                 Lankford. She was a twin to  her sister Maggie Lee Cobb. 
                 She married Robert Jefferson Amory and had
                      1.  Dora Gay  Amory who  married John  P. Coats  of 
                      Fort Pierce,  Florida. At  one time,  Dora had  the 
                      Fox family Bible. They had a son 
                           1.  Robert P.  Coats  of Chesapeake,  Virginia 
                           (as   of   1991),  whose   phone   number   is 
                           1-804-421-9230.    1529     Cheltingham    Ct. 
                           Chesapeake 23322.
                           1-804-853-0737 Ann Gay Coats
                      2. Robert Jefferson Amory Jr. who married and had
                           1. Robert  Jefferson Amory  III of  127 Sharps 
                           Road,    Williamsmsburg,     Virginia    23188 
                           (1-804-229-0777) in 1991, who had
                                1. Robert Jefferson Amory IV
                 6. Maggie Lee  Cobb, who married John  William Cobb, son 
                 of Henry Harrison Cobb and Sarah Jane Fox.
            7. Louisa  Cobb who married  R. T.  Vaughn. Louisa was  10 in 
            1850 Census
            8. Edward Cobb, age 7 in 1850
            9. Albert Cobb, age 16 in 1850
            10. Robert L. Cobb, died July  23, 1857 in Southampton County 
            at the age of 3 years.
            11.  Richard  J. Cobb,  died  July  23, 1857  in  Southampton 
            County of diarrhea, age 3 years, 8 months [Death Records].
      William Mills  Cobb, son of Jethro  and Mary Vaughn Cobb,  was born 
      on  May 20,  1851.  On December  16,  1875 he  was  married by  the 
      Reverend  W. B.  Wellons  to Mary  Darden,  daughter  of Joseph  J. 
      Darden and Emeline Cooper. Mary Darden  Cobb died in 1936. They had 
            1. Frank Morris Cobb, of whom later
            2. J. Henry Cobb, of whom later
            3. Carrie Cobb, who married Herman Howell
            4. W. E. Cobb
            5. Linwood Cobb
            6. _____ Cobb who married Herbert Beamon
            7. _____ Cobb who married W. O. Cotton
      Frank  Morris Cobb,  son  of William  Mills  and  Mary Darden  Cobb 
      married on October  27, 1909, Margaret Wilkerson  Whitley, daughter 
      of  Joel  Flournoy Whitley  and  Lellie  Wingfield Moody  of  Surry 
      County, Virginia. They had issue
            1. William  Morris Cobb, who married  Martha Evans and  had a 
            daughter  Martha   Roberta  Cobb   who  married   Dr.  Edward 
            2. Frances Louise  Cobb who married James  Cornelius Roberts, 
            son of  James Cornelius  and Lucy  Bailey. James  C. Roberts, 
            Sr. was the  son of Nathaniel G. Roberts  and Adminta Oliver. 
            Lucy Bailey  was the  daughter of  Charles Washington  Bailey 
            and  Indiana  Virginia  Howell  of   Isle  of  Wight  County, 
            Virginia.  James C.  Roberts  and Lucy  Bailey  had also  had 
            issue, Charles  W. Roberts,  Harry Roberts,  Deborah Roberts, 
            and another sister _____Roberts who  married Ralph Woolard of 
            Richmond, Virginia. James C. Roberts  and Frances Louise Cobb 
            had issue a son 
                 1. James Cornelius Roberts III who married.
            3. Mary Elizabeth  Cobb who married Bernard  Blythe. They had 
                 1.  Nancy  Cobb  Blythe,  born   November  25,  1944  in 
                 Richmond, Virginia. She married G. C. Litten
                 2.  Margaret Crissie  Blythe,  born  July 1,  1948.  She 
                 married Robert Eubanks on July 18, 1969.
            4.  Margaret Wingfield  Cobb, married  Calvin Rawls  Burgess. 
            They had issue
                 1.  Ellen  Maxine  Burgess  who  married  William  Donny 
                 2. Myra Margaret Burgess who married Robert Burgess
                 3. Susan Gwynne Burgess
            5. Fay Linwood  Cobb who married Winifred  Earl Shelton. They 
            had issue
                 1. David Earl Shelton, born November 6, 1966
      J. Henry Cobb,  son of William Mills and Mary  Darden Cobb, married 
      and had issue
            1. Annie Cobb
            2. Ryland Cobb
            3. Lawless Cobb
      Frederick Cobb, son of Lazarus Cobb  and Chasey Edwards was born in 
      1773 and died  in Southampton County in 1827 (Will  Book 10:10). He 
      married Elizabeth _____ and had issue
            1. Edith Cobb
            2.  Harrison   Cobb  who  married   on  March  28,   1829  in 
            Southampton  County,  Mary  Vaughn,   daughter  of  Elizabeth 
            3. James Cobb, who married in  Southampton County on April 4, 
            1823, Susan [Susen] Beal, daughter of Eley [Eale] Beal.
            4.  Nancy  Cobb, who  with  "brother"  Henry Cobb  listed  as 
            guardian, married  in Southampton County  on March  17, 1833, 
            Oran Vaughn.
            5. Polly Cobb
            6. Margaret Jane Cobb who married  on October 11, 1851, Frank 
            Hobs [Hobbs].
            7. Frederick Henry Cobb
            8. Jesse Cobb of whom later.
      Jesse Cobb,  son of Frederick  and Elizabeth  Cobb was a  farmer of 
      Nottoway Parish,  Southampton County,  Virginia. He  was listed  as 
      aged 41 years in the 1850 Census. He  died in 1859. On May 21, 1839 
      [I have seen  May 24, 1838] he married Josiah  Cobb's widow, Sarah, 
      daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth  Gardner of Southampton. He married 
      secondly,  Jane Johnson  who was  36 in  the Census  of 1850.  [See 
      Census page 658,  #727]. This Jane Johnson was the  mother of Henry 
      Harrison Cobb. Jesse Cobb had issue:
      1. Sarah E. Cobb, age 16 in 1850
      2. Ann Cobb, age 12 in 1850
      3. Bettie Cobb, age 8 in 1850
      4. Mary J. Cobb, age 4 in 1850
      5. Sancilla (script is  bad here and so this is a  guess), age 2 in 
      6. Henry Harrison Cobb of whom later
      Henry Harrison  Cobb, son of Jesse  Cobb and Jane Johnson  was born 
      in Southampton  County, Virginia May 2,  1844 and died in  the same 
      county on  January 18, 1901. Henry  Harrison Cobb had a  full beard 
      down to  his waist  according to  the memory  of Terry  Watson, who 
      remembered seeing him  "the one, and one time only,  lying in bed." 
      According to Bruce  M. Edwards's The Cobbs of  Tidewater Henry Cobb 
      was  called "Harrison,"  and was  5 feet  7  inches  tall, of  dark 
      complexion with  black  hair and hazel  eyes." On January  14, 1873 
      he married  Sarah Jane  Fox (called  "Milly" according  to grandson 
      Terry Watson),  daughter of Ezekiel Fox  and Mary Jane  Prince [see 
      Fox  Family].  Sarah  Jane  Fox was  born  in  Greensville  County, 
      Virginia on  November 19,  1847 and died  in Southampton  County on 
      July 12,  1935. She  told Shelley Burch  Watson, Sr.  stories about 
      Yankee soldiers stealing  from her farm during the  War Between the 
      States. They had issue:
      1.  Janie Inez  Cobb, born  March  7, 1877  in Greensville  County, 
      Virginia, and died in Suffolk, Virginia  1919. She married on March 
      1,  1893 in  Greensville  County by  J. H.  Kabb  to Robert  Edward 
      Watson, son  of Samuel and Minerva  Watson who was born  at Buffalo 
      Junction,  Mecklenburg  County,  Virginia  in   1865.  He  died  in 
      Suffolk, Virginia in 1924. See Watson Family for issue.
      2. John  William Cobb, born April  11, 1881. He married  Maggie Lee 
      Cobb, daughter  of Robert James Cobb  (q.v.) and Dora Gay  Fox [see 
      Fox Family). 
      3. Annie Irene Cobb, born March  26, 1875. She married William Gray 
      and had issue:
            1. John Roy Gray
            2. William Gray
            3. Sally Gray
            4. Gertie Gray
      4. Jessie E. Cobb, born March 10, 1879, died December 10, 1905.
      5. Twilley Cobb, born November 2, 1874
      6. Henry  Harrison Cobb Jr., born  August 24, 1884, and  died April 
      12,  1918. He  married on  January  7, 1907,  Annie Laurie  Bryant, 
      daughter of Benjamin L. and Rosa J. Bryant. They had issue
            1.  Doris Cobb  who married  (1)  Leonard L.  Dewell and  (2) 
            _____ Knott
            2. Virginia Cobb who married (1)  Harold L. Bullifant and (2) 
            _____ Nunally
            3. Jessie Cobb
            4. Henry Harrison Cobb, III



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