Crow of Tennessee, Missouri, Colorado and California

The Crow Family

of Tennessee,
& California

by Joel Watson

      Russell Crow was born in Tennessee  and married Eliza _____ who was 
      also born in  Tennessee. According to the 1850  Census of Jefferson 
      County, he was 46  years old in 1850 and Eliza  was 34. Russell and 
      his wife went  to Adair County, Missouri in 1853.  There he entered 
      land near Sublette  where he died in November of  1877. Besides the 
      Crows, Eliza McCluse,  age 30, was also living  with them according 
      to the 1850 Census. They had the following children:
            1. Mary E. Crow, age 1.
            2. Caroline Crow, age 3.
            3. Russel L. [Russell T.?] Crow, age 5, of whom later.
            5. Isaac Manning Crow, age 6 of whom later.
            6. Gideon Crow, age 7.
            7. Emiline Crow, age 9.
            8. James A. Crow, age 11.
            9. Pleasant Crow, age 13, of whom later.
      Russell T. Crow, born  ca. 1845, the son of Russell  and Eliza Crow 
      married on  August 19,  1869 in  Adair County,  Missouri, Sarah  E. 
      Stewart. They had at least one child,
      Alva  M. Crow,  born September  14, 1876  on a  farm near  Trinity, 
      Missouri. There  he was raised and  when grown bought  eighty acres 
      of his own  farm, married and went into farming  for himself. There 
      he continued  to live and  purchased more  land until he  owned 600 
      acres, considered  to have been one  of the best improved  farms in 
      the  county at  the turn  of the  century. There  he bred  Hereford 
      cattle and  fine pigs and horses.  He was a Republican.  On January 
      1,  1899 he  married  Maude Lewis,  daughter  of George  Washington 
      Lewis and  Sarah C. Griggs. In  later life, Maude was  a Methodist. 
      She went  to Adair  County April  11, 1880  with her  father George 
      Washington Lewis who  was born November 6, 1843  in Madison County, 
      Ohio. In 1880 he went to Missouri  and married Sarah C. Griggs near 
      Downing, Missouri. He  bought a farm called the Hop  Napp farm four 
      miles from  Greentop, Missouri. There he  lived until his  death at 
      the age  of 64 years,  6 months and  3 days on  May 9, 1908.  G. W. 
      Lewis and  his wife had  five children:  Sarah C. Lewis,  Ernest B. 
      Lewis,  Maude J.  Lewis  [above], Loney  Lewis  who  married a  Mr. 
      Myers, Emma  Grace Lewis,  and Bedlah  A. Lewis  who married  a Mr. 
      Pierce. Alva M. and Maude Lewis Crow had four children: 
            1.  Morris E. Crow, born January 16, 1900.
            2.  Cecil S. Crow, born September 5, 1901.
            3.  Byrdie D. Crow, born February 28, 1903 and died when     
                 three weeks old.
            4.  Boyd L. Crow, born April 10, 1906.
      Isaac  Manning Crow,  son of  Russell and  Eliza Crow  was born  on 
      September 17, 1844  [he was age 6  in the 1850 Census  of Jefferson 
      Co., Kentucky]  in Green  County, Tennessee.  Isaac lived  with his 
      father until 1862 when he joined  Company C., 7th Missouri Cavalry. 
      He served four months  and then spent a year in  Illinois and Iowa, 
      returned to his parents home and  remained with them until 1867. At 
      that time  he married  and began  farming for  himself. In  1871 he 
      bought a large  farm or 540 acres  which he later divided  with his 
      sons, keeping only  100 acres for himself. Crow was  a Democrat and 
      a member  of the Baptist  Church. He  was first married  Mary Eller 
      Conner on  February 13,  1868 by  who he  had eight  children. Mary 
      Crow died  on March 22,  1892. On  February 29, 1903  Isaac married 
      Mrs.  Sarah  Sweatman,   the  daughter  of  Thomas   and  Elizabeth 
      Christian. She was  born in Macon County, Missouri  on December 24, 
      1846 [See History of Adair County,  Missouri by E. M. Violette, The 
      Denslow  History Co.,  1911; also  1900 Census  of Missouri,  Adair 
      Co.]. Isaac and Mary Crow had issue:
            1.  Lura Elizabeth Crow, born April 3, 1873 in Adair Co.,    
            2.  Eliza Jane Crow, born December 24, 1871 in Adair Co., MO.
            3.  Charley Crow, born in Missouri November 1880 [Census,    
            4.  Mary C. Crow, born in Missouri February 1844 [Census,    
            5.  Pearl C. Crow, born in Missouri October 1887 [Census,    
            6.  Joseph L. Crow, born in Missouri September 1891 [Census, 
            7.  _____ Crow
            8.  _____ Crow
      By  her  first  marriage,  Isaac's   second  wife  Sarah  Christian 
      Sweatman Crow had three children:
            1. Sallie Sweatman who married John R. Hilt.
            2. John Sweatman
            3. Edgar Sweatman
      Pleasant  Crow, son  of  Russell and  Eliza Crow  who  was born  in 
      Tennessee in  December of  1838. Both  his father  and mother  were 
      also born  in Tennessee  (Census, 1900,  Adair Co.,  Polk Township, 
      Missouri,  #85). He  married  Sarah who  was  born  in Missouri  in 
      February  of  1848. Both  of  her  parents  were born  in  Kentucky 
      (Census, Ibid.). It is most probable  that Sarah was the same Sarah 
      E. Fletcher who  married on November 23, 1884, Pleasant  R. Crow in 
      Adair, Missouri (Morman  Records). This would make  Pleasant Crow's 
      middle initial "R  [ussell? andall?]." As of the  Census of 1900, 
      they had been married 15 years and  had five children, four of whom 
      were living in 1900, among whom was:
      Paul Randall  Crow who was born  in Kirksville, Missouri  in August 
      of 1889 (Census, Ibid.)  . He married Sylvia Burke who  was born in 
      Kansas on January 6,  1888. They had issue among 3  sisters and one 
      Ivan Lewis Crow,  born February 8, 1920 in Garden  City, Kansas. He 
      married in  Garden City,  Kansas in 1941,  Betty Nelle  White, born 
      September 7,  1921 in  Wichita, Kansas,  daughter of  Myron Everett 
      White and Nellie Faye Thetford. They had issue three children:
            1.  Michael  Lewis Crow,  born  March  15, 1948  in  Colorado 
            Springs, Colorado, of whom later.
            2.  John  Randall Crow,  born  August  13, 1951  in  Colorado 
            Springs, Colorado.
            3.  Cathy Camille  Crow,  born August  31,  1954 in  Colorado 
            Springs, Colorado.
      Michael  Lewis Crow,  Esq., was  born  March 15,  1948 in  Colorado 
      Springs, Colorado.  At 2:00 PM on  Sunday, June 6, 1982  he married 
      at  St. Paul's  Church, Healdsburg,  California, Katherine  Hambly, 
      born Christmas  Day, 1948.  Michael and  Katherine Hambly  Crow had 
            1. Matthew  Ellsworth Crow,  born in  Sacramento, California, 
            November  23,  1982,  baptized  May   15,  1983,  at  Trinity 
            Cathedral,  Sacramento,  California  by   The  Very  Reverend 
            Charles Mortimer  Gilbert. The  Rev. Shelley  Burch Joel  and 
            Margaret  Hambly   Watson  (Katherine's   sister)  were   the 
            2.  Barbara Whitman  Crow,  born  in Sacramento,  California, 
            March 19, 1984,  baptized First Sunday after  Easter, 1984 at 
            St.  Paul's  Church,  Healdsburg,   California  by  The  Very 
            Reverend Marvin Bowers, Rector.
            3.  Susan  Lowell  Crow,  born May  7,  1987  in  Sacramento, 
            California  and baptized  at St.  Paul's Church,  Healdsburg, 
            California,  July  22,  1987  by  the  Very  Reverend  Marvin 
            Bowers, Rector.



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